Chapter 6

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"Hi"- speak
'Thought"- thought
$Parseltongue$- Parseltongue
"Stupefy" - Spells

Hadrian had lessons with Merlin once a week, and Merlin was delighted to find out that Harry had magical abilities. Harry was an elemental. He could manipulate lighting, which meant he was an air elemental. He could also control water and could freeze it to turn it to ice. He could also control shadows, much to Merlin's shock, which was extremely rare. Merlin warned Harry that he might not be able to master all of them, but it made Harry more determined to try. He wanted to make Merlin and the founders proud by mastering the abilities the control the elements. Merlin also told Harry about Sirius and Remus. It made him happy to know that his godfather and uncle where by his side. He had an eidetic memory and remembered playing with them when he was young. Though, he had the founders, he still missed them.

Harry was exceptional at flying a broom, much to Godric's delight. It was no surprise considering Harry could control air, but he was exceptional. It was like he was born to fly. He had no fear when he was at heights. He could do any trick on a broom. He could even stand on his broom- much to Helga's and Rowena's displeasure. He also loved talking to animals. He loved riding the griffins and horses. Harry used to fly everyday with Godric's griffin, Aquiline.

Helga taught Harry about the magical creatures. He loved all of them. Since, Helga was the best at wordless magic, she would teach Harry and he become excellent and wordless and wandless spell casting. Once a week, all the founders would teach Harry about a wizard's duel and its rules. They taught him to use all kinds of magic in a duel and not rely on one branch itself. They taught him Transfiguration and charms as well.

He learnt them all very quickly and his reflexes were almost inhuman. He was so advanced at dueling that he started using daggers and swords in his duels. Salazar gifted him a pair of goblin made daggers with an emerald green handle, that matched his eyes. It also had an emerald at the end of the handle. Godric even gifted him with a sword similar to his sword. It was a thin made of pure silver at its hilt was set with rubies.  

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Since, they were both goblin made they were much more stronger than normal weapons

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Since, they were both goblin made they were much more stronger than normal weapons. Harry's Parseltongue secret was discovered by the others when he accidentally submitted his Charms homework in Parseltongue. Sal found it hilarious and kept reminding the child of that moment.

Harry's occlumency skills were increasing day by day. Sal had already told him how to build a mindscape. He had developed his mind into layers. When they entered his mind, they would have to go through a door and corridor with lasers and if they touched the lasers, they would be ejected from his mind. If they managed to pass it, they would go through a second corridor that had a training dummy set to level 10. If they managed to defeat it, they would go reach a door that had a Parsel password. If they opened the door, they would reach the home of Salazar's familiar Asmodeus. Inside the chamber Asmodeus would protect a statue of Sal. He was the only protection, but he was a basilisk after all. Then, they would reach the statue of Salazar that had a Parsel password. If they managed to open it, they would reach stairs but they had to tap the right stone. If they didn't, they would be ejected. If they tapped the right step, they would reach a study with books. The bookshelves had many books. If they took the correct book, they would be let in to a room with his memories. If they took the wrong book, they would be ejected from his mind. If they tried to reach the memories, their hands would get burned or electrocuted. They had to again speak a Parsel password, before touching the memories. If the spoke the password and tried to touch it they would have to face Harry himself. It took him a lot of time, but in the end, he perfected it. Even Salazar was impressed with his Occlumency, and coming from an occlumency master that was high praise. Salazar helped him strengthen his opening, so he put up seven doors, it being the most magical number, each with passwords. If they chose the wrong one, they would again come into a room with doors. Only if they chose the correct door, they would go to the corridor. Even after several hours Salazar had not been able to crack the code. Harry found it hilarious that even Sal could not infiltrate his mind.

Mastering his own mind, also helped him master his Animagus transformation wit Ric. Harry was so shocked when he found out he had so many Animagus forms. His first was a black shadow phoenix, that helped him be immune to all poisons and venoms. It even allowed him to him to heal faster than normal wizards. It allowed him to travel through shadows. His second form, was a Hebridean Black. It was black with rough scales. It had brilliant green eyes, like his own, and a lighting bolt scar on his forehead. His other 4 forms were the animals of the founders. A lion, badger, eagle and a snake. Even the founders were shocked when Harry told them he had 6 Animagus forms. When Harry was 10 the founders and Merlin explained that he was not born in this time and what happened on Samhain. He knew that, since he had an eidetic memory. He knew he had to go back, but he didn't know why. 

Words: 1009

Boredlife07 Signing off.

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