Chapter 44

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought

Things kicked off at breakfast next morning. Again, the Slytherins entered as one and sat down and ate, their packs straight and very Pureblood mannerism. They didn't speak once, communicating with gestures and tilts of their heads. Snape could not have been any prouder of his house, they looked absolutely impeccable, even the first years were perfect.

The mail soared in and even then, the Slytherins didn't break their reserve, merely setting aside their plates in time for their packages and letters to be presented to them. However, it wasn't them that captured the attention of the Hall at that time. There was a letter for Rosina and she opened it with a grin, which quickly turned into an expression of horror. She lost all the color in her face, and with a terrified shriek she threw down the letter and ran from the Hall. People started whispering and James rushed after her, he picked up the letter and frowned; it was blank.

He started to go out after her but before he even left, she screamed loudly and ran back in, she was crying and went straight for her dad who picked her up and carried her away making soothing sounds, she was muttering about the snakes getting her and the Slytherins held back smirks. Flint had found a spell that made the person see their worst fear everywhere they went, the longer it was, the stronger it got and by the end of the day Potter should be seeing everyone as walking Snakes. Rosina was twitchy all day, it was obvious that the spell was getting worse much to the Slytherins delight and little spells were directed at her, her bag split numerous times, things exploded and potions her cauldron melted covering her in vile smelling potion that created nasty sores all over her; she ran out crying.

"This is all because of you and that idiot Black." Weasley snapped, following his friend out.

"I think you're all awful. It was clearly an accident." Granger huffed following them out. The first year Snakes exchanged looks and nodded, Weasley and Granger would be joining Rosina. Draco went to visit Harry, bringing Alpha with him, the snake had been hissing furiously so Draco decided to bring him and place her on Hadrian's chest, where she curled up. He was still out cold, but his skin had a healthier color. Sirius and Remus were yet to move out of the Hospital Wing and their lessons were being covered by Narcissa, who had stepped up when Dumbledore said they had no teacher.

"Anything?" Draco asked and Sirius shook his head.


"He will get better."

"He has to," Sirius agreed. The glowing ball showing Harry's life was still bright, which was promising, and he had gotten through the night, there was nothing they could do but wait and, in that time, Draco intended to make Rosina wish she never came to school.

"What happened to Potter? I heard her scream from here."

Draco smirked.

"Just the beginning of Slytherin retaliation."

For the rest of the week the school turned into a warzone. The Slytherins were using everything to their advantage, to make Rosina suffer, who had ended up in the hospital wing every day, along with Granger and Weasley. The longer Harry remained unconscious, the worse everything got. The House of Lions had started hexing the Slytherins in return, which meant the Snakes turned their arsenal to the entire house; it was pandemonium.

The Professors didn't know what to do because the culprits couldn't be found and were never pointed out, the fights were becoming more and more violent and the neutral Houses were caught in the middle of it. The Gryffindors weren't careful to where they aimed or set their traps and innocent people got hit, that caused a rift between the innocent party and the Lions. The Ravenclaws who had been caught, were brilliant allies of the Snakes, they new so much and the Slytherins were glad.

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