Chapter 24

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"Hi" - Speech
'Hi'  - Thought
"Stupefy" Spells

Before Harry knew it, two months had already passed. He couldn't believe how close he had gotten to Sirius and Remus. They were like his real parents. He couldn't possibly imagine a life without them. He finally understood what the founders had said about not going to look for their portraits. He understood, after his 11th birthday that he would never see them physically.

Sirius and Remus were one of the best people in his life apart from the founder's and Merlin. They always worried about him when he was down and tried to cheer him up. He understood now that if Rowena hadn't made him promise not to look for their portraits, he would spend every spare moment trying to search the entire castle for their portraits wanting to talk to them.

Yes, he missed them a lot and desperately wanted to talk to them. He had many friends, but Draco was his best friend. He become friends with Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. He even became friends with the Weasley twins, who were like his pranking brothers. Draco, him and the twins were like the Marauders. They pranked everyone including the teachers. They were the best pranking team the school had seen ever. Their pranks were hilarious, but of course no one knew it was them.

Harry had also become quite close to the Potions Master, who granted him access to the potions lab for him to make potions. He understood the Severus had a dark sense of humor and was mostly sarcastic. Harry, thankfully, didn't have another encounter with his family. They never had any family weekends after the first one, which harry was thankful for. When he was walking around the common room one morning, he caught sight of an announcement stating that the flying lessons were starting. He quickly bolted up to his dorms where his friends were sleeping. He tried to wake up Draco but the blond did not wake up. An idea started to form in his mind, and he grinned evilly. He flicked his hand a buckets of ice water floated on top of his dorm mates. He snapped his fingers and water fell all over them. They woke up shrieking and shivering and then caught sight of Harry roaring with laughter and pouted.

"WHY?" All them demanded.

"Sorry." He said trying to speak properly. "I was trying to wake you up."

"And why would you wake us up at 7 am?" Blaise asked.

"I just wanted to tell that flying lessons are starting."

"What?!" They yelped and rushed out of bed. They quickly got ready and together they went to the common room.

"Well at least we have flying lessons." Harry said cheerfully.

"With the Gryffindors." Theo added and Harry smirked.

"What have you got planned?" Draco asked and Harry chuckled.

"Well, it would be such a shame if someone was better at flying that the Girl-Who-Lived," Harry mused "especially when our instructor speaks so highly about her."

"Oh, definitely a shame." Draco agreed. They left the common room, eager to start the day with flying lessons. Harry was smirking, evilly, for a 11-year-old. Sirius took one look at his Godson and want in the opposite direction, shuddering. They went for flying class. Harry, who was an expert at flying checked the brooms and gave good ones to the Slytherin's. He made a mental note to replace the brooms at Hogwarts, as these brooms were not good. The Gryffindor's arrived with James in the front and Rosina in the center. The Gryffindor's were crowded around Rosina who was smirking as James bragged about how much flying she did when she grew up and how she was the best flyer. Harry looked at Draco who was acting as if vomiting. Harry smirked.

"Afternoon class." James greeted. "First you have to learn how to summon your broom. Stand up next to your broom and stick your right over it and say up."

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