Chapter 48

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought

The surrounding crowd gasped in horror, and Harry went slack in Draco's grip looking at James with stunned wide eyes. To suggest that to happen to anyone was unthinkable, to bind their very essence. Harry felt a shudder ripple up his spin at that mere thought, to not be able to feel what Lady Magic had gifted him, to not have his powers. Harry then realized that the Great Hall had gone silent and he looked around to see his dad and father. Remus' eyes were glowing amber, his wolf trying to take over. The Black Animagus had gone deathly pale his face void of all emotions, but his eyes glowed silver, burning like fire.

"I challenge you to a duel of honor." Sirius said his voice low and controlled, but everyone heard it. It caused more gasps from the surrounding crowd and now Dumbledore stepped in.

"Sirius do you really believe this needs to end in fighting." Dumbledore chided in a grandfatherly tone, but Sirius didn't look at the man.

"This has nothing to do with you, Headmaster and I would appreciate you staying out of this. You are of neutral party and you would do well to remember that."

Dumbledore didn't know what to say and stayed quiet. Sirius was looking at Potter and the only indication that he was angry was that his eyes were practically like silver fire. James started laughing.

"You want to challenge me to a duel?"

"A public dule. Take it or leave it Potter."

"Fine, I accept. Rules: No dark magic." He stated, thinking he had Sirius but the Black Lord grinned.

"Done. No seconds, just you and me. The duel will take place two days from now, Friday, after dinner."

They parted with a final glare. Harry and Draco shared a look before bolting to the common room, they had a letter to write. Running to the common and running to the dorms. Harry quickly summoned a parchment and ink.

Dear Ms. Skeeter

After your wonderfully written article in the Daily Prophet, I could think of no other reporter to write about this wonderful story.

Today morning, after the arrival of your article, and irate James Potter tried to curse my dad and father from behind. However, I was able to put up a shield to block the spell. After that Potter continued to insult my father and me by saying that my magic should have been bound which resulted in my father challenging him to a public honor duel. The duel will take place, two days from now, on Friday sometime after dinner. I am sure you would want to be the first to know. My dad, father and myself are available for an interview both before and after the duel. I hope to see you there.


Hadrian Regulus Loki Black-Lupin,
Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black and Howell.
Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Lupin.

Harry stamped his Heir ring underneath and sealed it with his crest. He flashed a grin at Draco and raced out of the room. When he got to the owlery, Hedwig swooped down and landed on his shoulder. She nipped his ear affectionately.

"Hello Hedwig. I'm sorry for not visiting earlier, I was in coma." She ruffled her feathers.

"Could you take this to Rita Skeeter?" She took the scroll and soared away. The two boys shared a grin.

"Do you think you should tell your father what you've just done?" Draco questioned and Harry blinked.

"Yes." He agreed and they laughed. The pair turned and made their way to the marauders pad. They had history first so it would be ok. When they entered Sirius was pacing in a blind rage, he was snarling and looked as if he was going to burst.

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