Chapter 9

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"Speak"- Speech
'Think'- Thought
"Avada Kedavra"- Spells

Their session began with Harry working on his air elemental. He controlled the air and rose from the ground. It was like watching Superman flying around. He flew around for sometime and finally came down. Merlin said "Impressive, you've become better at controlling air." Harry grinned.

Then Harry closed his eyes and concentrated on the air. He thought of lightning, thunder and rain. Soon, the sky darkened and it started raining with thunder and lightning flashing. He opened his eyes and they disappeared.

They both then went towards the lake. Harry stretched out his hand and made a fist. Part of the water rose and become a ball. Harry flicked his had and the water ball turned into a trident. Harry then released it and it joined the lake. Now moving on to the final element, Shadows. It was the most difficult and the hardest to control. Harry closed his eyes concentrating on the shadows. He slipped into the shadows and was not seen. The shadows helped him become invisible when it was dark. He then came into view. "Congrats, Harry. Now its time for the most difficult part, Shadow travelling." Harry grimaced. The last time he tried that he ended up falling from the sky. Luckily, he was an air elemental and slowed down his fall. This time he had to shadow travel behind Merlin. He concentrated on the shadows and pictured himself behind Merlin. He disappeared and appeared behind Merlin. He was so happy that he mastered it. "YES!" he yelled. "FINALLY." Merlin smiled at his childish actions. "Congrats Harry" he said. "I'm extremely proud of you." Harry smiled and nodded. Harry then began to feel very sleepy.

He yawned and said "Merlin, I'm feeling sleepy. It took a lot of energy. Could you please inform the others?" "I will" Merlin said.

Harry then went to his room and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Merlin then went to the founder's room. He went in and Godric asked. "Where's Harry?"

"He became exhausted after our session. He finally mastered the ability to shadow travel." Merlin said, proudly.

"Amazing!" Helga exclaimed.

"As much as it pains us, we have to talk about the upcoming weeks" Rowena said softly and the mood dimmed.

"Yes, Harry's birthday is in 2 weeks." Helga agreed.

"Are we still giving Harry the gift?" Godric asked.

"Yes, I'm not going to change it." Rowena answered and all the others agreed.

"We will present it to him on the eve and explain it to him. He will be curious, but we must do our best to explain it to him."

"I wish we could be with him when he goes home. Those good for nothing parents don't deserve him." Godric said sadly.

"Calm down, Godric. Only Harry can handle the situation" Helga soothed.

"My dear Helga, your natural instinct to see people is charming, but often misguided. Children should be cared by their parents. I can't believe they would throw a child in favor of the other one."

"Yes, I agree with you. It's a disgrace to throw out a magical child, especially one as powerful as Harry." Helga said.

"Those parents won't know what hit them. I'm positive that Harry will make us proud." Row said and the others agreed with her.  

Words: 553 

Sorry for the short chapter. But I'll upload more next time. Peace out. 

Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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