Chapter 28

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"HI" - Speech
'hi' - Thought
"Accio" - Spells

Harry sat still at the Slytherin table on the morning of his first Quidditch match; Slytherin vs Gryffindor. He hadn't eaten anything. And was silent.

"You aren't nervous, are you?" Draco asked

"No." Harry said quickly.

"Harry you are amazing on a broom. You made Flint speechless and pissed off Potter." Draco exclaimed and Harry grinned.

"I am pretty amazing, aren't I?" Harry agreed; shaking of his pre-game stress and ate breakfast. It wasn't long before Flint called the team to the Quidditch changing room and Harry got to his feet.

"Good luck." Draco said and Harry smirked.

"I got this."

In the changing room, Flint was pacing in front of the assembled team with a determined look in his eyes.

"We want a quick game." Flint said. "Potter, watch out for the Weasley twins, who will be targeting you. They are extremely good, since they are twins, and make a good team. Adrian, Warrington and I will focus on scoring goals. Bletchley better watch out for the Chasers. Make sure you block them from scoring. Montague protect Potter from the Weasley twins if they shoot a bludger at him. Derrick aim bludgers at the Gryffindor Chasers." The team nodded and headed out to the pitch.

"Here come the Slytherin team; Captain Flint, Pucey, Warrington, Bletchley, Montague, Derrick and a new addition this year, Hadrian Potter!" There were screams and cheers from the Slytherins, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, while the Gryffindors were booing.

"For the Gryffindor team we have Captain Wood, Johnson, Bell, Spinnet, Weasley, Weasley and a new addition to the tea, a bit of sibling rivalry, the Girl-Who-Lived, Rosina Potter!"

Harry saw the Gryffindors coming out in their blinding red and gold robes and smirked. Madam Hooch, the referee for matches, stepped out onto the pitch.

"Mount your brooms." she said. Harry mounted his broom and rose in the air.

She released the bludgers followed by the snitch who moved around both the seekers and then vanished. "I want a nice, clean game, for all of you." She threw the Quaffle into the air and fourteen players flew off. The chasers flew towards the Quaffle, while the Keepers went to guard the hoop. Harry's eyes darted in every direction, searching for the Golden Snitch. He dodged a speeding bludger aimed at him by Fred, and grinned when the twin gave a cheery wave at him.

He moved around with such speed that the chasers from Gryffindor dropped the Quaffle making the Slytherin team take the Quaffle and score. After one hour the score was 90-40 to Slytherin, and Harry was still searching for the Snitch that would seal their victory. Finally, he spotted the Snitch near the Slytherin goal post. Rosina hadn't seen it, so he shot of like a rocket towards the Slytherin posts causing people to gasp.

"The male Potter looks like he has found the Snitch, he's flying like a rocket." Lee Jordan said through the microphone.

Rosina had heard the comment and flew towards Harry, but he was still way ahead. He stretched his hand and caught the Snitch, flew towards the ground and jumped off his broom, grinning like a mad person.

"240-40, Slytherin win." The snakes shouted and cheered loudly and the team hoisted Harry up in the air. Harry saw Rosina being consoled by James Potter and his grin grew wider. When he was finally put back on his feet Draco rushed to him, followed by and excited Sirius and grinning Remus. Sirius hugged Harry so hard, he thought his bones would break.

"Part in the common room!" Flint yelled.

"Let's celebrate." Harry agreed and Sirius released him from the hug.

"Come visit later ok." Sirius said and Harry nodded.

Draco gave Harry a brotherly hug.

"I told you, you'd be amazing." The blond said and Harry grinned. They made their way back to the common room, where they had a massive party. The common room was packed with food and drinks, and everyone was celebrating the win. The party lasted the whole day. Harry, remembered that he had to meet his Godfather, walked out of the portrait hole and went to Sirius and Remus's quarters.


"Hi, Uncle Siri."

"How was the party?" Sirius asked.

"Oh, it was wonderful. We had a lot of food and butterbeer."

"Nice. Congrats on your match by the way, that was amazing."

"Thanks, Uncle Siri." Harry said rubbing his eyes.

Sirius noticed that Harry was feeling sleepy and put him on the couch, where Harry fell asleep, instantly.

Harry woke up on a Sunday Morning. He rubbed his eyes and spotted Sirius sitting there.

"Hello pup!" He said cheerfully.

"Good morning, Uncle Siri."

The door opened and in came Draco Malfoy.

"Draco!" Harry exclaimed.

"Hello Hades, I thought you'd be here since you were not there in the dormitories."

"Yea, I fell asleep here." Harry said sheepishly.

"Hello nephew." Sirius said brightly.

"Hello Uncle Siri." Draco answered back.

"You boys want breakfast?" Sirius asked and both the boys nodded. Sirius brought some pancakes, toast, sausage and juice and they started eating just as Remus entered the room.

"What are you doing here pup?" Remus asked, surprised.

"Am I not allowed to come here?" Harry asked innocently.

"You're allowed, but I didn't think you'd come here in the morning."

"Actually, I can here yesterday night and fell asleep, because I was tired." Harry answered.


"Amazing prank on Potter by the way." Sirius said grinning.

"Well, I am a genius, aren't I?" Harry said.

"That I agree with."

All of them started laughing. 

Words: 923.
Sorry for the late update and short chapter, but I hope you like it. Peace out.
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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