Chapter 15

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"hi" Speaking 
'think' thinking
"Expelliarmus"  -  spells 

Harry woke up after an hour and started reading his book. He was so engrossed in his book that he didn't notice that a lot of time had passed. He packed his stuff and sat on his bed. He put Alpha on his shoulder and hissed to him. Alpha hissed back assuring him that he would be there when the Potters were around and protect him, but he would be put under an invisibility spell.

Merlin had told Harry, that Parseltongue was considered an evil and dark trait. Harry was outraged at this. He found out that people considered Parseltongue a dark trait since only dark wizards had it. Harry was confused, as to why people had even split up the groups into dark and light. Before people were all united along with creatures. Harry then read his potion's book and was eager to learn more, when he heard a knock on his door and heard his mother saying that it was time for dinner.

He sighed and dragged himself to their table. Harry didn't talk at all during dinner, but was listening to their conversations. The main topic, much to Harry's disgust, was his sister and how great she was.

Harry wanted to get out of there and just be alone. He felt his anger increasing the more he stayed there. He didn't even want to eat. He rose up to go, when Lily stopped him.

"Why don't you stay here?" Lily suggested. "Perhaps we could get to know each other."

"Why would I do that?" He asked. "I'm not the one who decided to send away one child just because the other was famous, and you call yourselves parents." He walked out of the room before they could answer. He noticed them sending disappointed looks at him. They had the gall to think he would come to them. He noticed Lily talking to James but quickly left the room.

Then next day the four went to Ollivander's to get their wands. They entered the shop and Ollivander said "Ah Lord and Lady Potter, Mr. and Ms. potter I wondered when you'd be coming. Lord Potter your wand was 11 inches, mahogany and pliable. Excellent for transfiguration. Lady Potter you on the other hand had a 10 1/4 inches wand made of willow rather swishy. Excellent for charms. I hope you are keeping it well?"

"Yes, Mister Ollivander." James said and Lily agreed. "We are here to get Rose and Harry a wand."

"Ah yes. You first Rose Potter." Rose stepped forward with a smug expression. She tried a few wands. Ollivander brought out a wand. Rose tried it yet it did not work. She tried a few more, and everyone was getting bored. Finally, she got a wand. It was made of Beech and Kneazle Whisker and was 10 inches. Harry nearly laughed. The Kneazle whisker was used for people who were not very powerful. Harry then went to try for his wand. Harry tried for an hour and he tried nearly all the wands.

"Harry, we're feeling tired, do you think you can do it yourself?" Lily asked. Harry shrugged and said "Sure" The three Potter's walked out. They then tried more wands, but couldn't find one. Finally, Ollivander said. "Well Mr. Potter you are a very powerful wizard. We might have to get a custom wand for you. This is the first time I'm making a custom wand for someone. I would be honored to do so." Harry was shocked. Ollivander then beckoned to follow him and they went to the back where they saw many wand woods and cores.
"Mr. Potter you have to put your hand over the woods and cores and pick the ones that you feel a pull towards." Harry nodded and went to look for wand woods.

Harry felt a pull and saw a bluish wood, the next was a brownish wood, the third was a jet-black wood and the last was a black wood. He gave them to Ollivander who was shocked. He took the wand woods and said "Mr. Potter you are an extremely powerful wizard. The blue wood is blue spruce, it is extremely rare to use and only the powerful wizards have it. It is basically for someone who is a prodigy in all subjects with the exception of Dark arts, however if one has a strong personality, you can use it for dark arts. The brown wood is the elder wood which comes from death himself. You have a perfect match with it, that means you have a great destiny. It is good for all the subjects. The jet-black wood is ebony wood, which are exceptional in dueling and transfiguration. The black wood is hawthorn which is good for Defensive Magic as it symbolizes protection. This is a very unusual wand Mr. Potter. It has both dark woods and light woods. This is most likely a person who is neutral."

Harry was shocked. He understood that this might be more powerful than the elder wand itself. And he still had to choose the cores. He shook his head and went to look for cores.

The first core he felt a pull to was a feather than changed colors from golden to blue to white. Next was a small green horn, the third was a dark grey – black feather and the last was blue hair. He handed them to Ollivander who was trying to come over his shock.

"Well Mr. Potter you are an extremely powerful wizard" Ollivander said, excited. "The first is a thunderbird feather, it is exceptional for transfiguration and can sense danger. It is mainly for air elementals. The second is a basilisk horn good for Dark Arts. The third is a feather from a shadow phoenix good for all sorts of magic and the last is mermaid hair, for people who are good in potions and arithmancy. This wand is so much more powerful than the elder wand. Thank you for coming here Mr. potter. It's an honor to make such a wand. You can accompany me to my store to make this."

Harry was extremely shocked, but he nodded and followed Ollivander to his store. Harry watched as Ollivander crafted it. After half and hour, Ollivander had finally crafted it. It was a dark black wand with hints of blue. It was 12 inches. 

"Mr. Ollivander could you put a gemstone on it?" Harry asked. Ollivander nodded.

"Well could I have an aquamarine?" Ollivander nodded and went to the back of his store and brought out an aqua colored gemstone. He crafted it and put the gemstone on. He handed the wand to Harry, and he felt a rush of magic and waved it. He cast a huge water snake and then made it disappear.

"Oh bravo Mr. Potter. Use it well." Ollivander exclaimed. Harry nodded.

"What's the price Mr. Ollivander, for this fine wand?" Harry questioned.

"30 Galleons Mr. Potter"

Harry took out his pouch, took out 30 galleons and gave it to Mr. Ollivander. He did not need a wand holster as he had gotten one from Rowena.

Harry walked out of the shop and walked towards Leaky Cauldron. He went up to his room locked himself and put-up wards. Then he sat down and opened Sal's potion book and started reading it.

He asked James about Sirius and Remus and was stunned when he heard James say that the House of Potter had nothing to do with the House of Black. When he pointed out that James's own mother was a Black he was glared at. The rest of the week passed and he did not talk to the Potters. Finally, the last day had arrived and Harry was excited that he would go back to the place he called home. He packed his trunk and lay down on his bed. He closed eyes his thinking about Hogwarts, the founders and merlin. Then he drifted of into the world of dreams.

Hey guys. I hope you like it, I'll upload more soon. Peace out.
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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