Chapter 73

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She popped away with a bow. Harry knocked on the door and waited to be called in. He stepped in to the study and blinked, it was huge. The large spacious room was in the original Slytherin colors with dark wood furniture. There was a black leather sofa across the marble fireplace and a chair opposite. Book shelves lined each of the walls and there was a grand desk opposite the door with a liquor cabinet behind it.

"Nice" Harry said looking around.

"Yes, I am rather partial to it." Came a drawling voice and only by the fact that Harry had already sensed the magic, he did not jump.

"Have you seen the Heir study yet?"

"No, I decided to let you deal with your section of the castle, however you wish it." Marvolo said and Harry finally turned to look at the man. He was sat in the other leather chai supporting a tumbler filled with an amber liquid, he seemed to have an effortless elegance about him that Harry couldn't help but be impressed with.

"Thanks, I should check it out before Sal has a go at me for not being grateful for his work." Harry shook his head, amused and took the seat offered to him.

"What can I do for you?" Marvolo asked.

"I thought I would tell you that there is a high chance the next Wizengamot meeting will be extremely interesting for you." Harry said and Marvolo raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and why is that?"

"I have a hearing tomorrow about the Quidditch incident, and its being held by Amelia Bones." Harry told him and Marvolo smirked.

"Potter is going to have a rather large blemish come tomorrow afternoon, I see."

"Oh yes, and obviously Dumbledore is going to be less than pleased."

"That old fool will be fuming because he failed to contain the situation of his prized pawn." Marvolo drawled and Harry grinned.

"Definitely." Harry agreed and then the smirk he flashed was nothing short of malicious, "And the exclusive interview that is going to be given written by Rita Skeeter is only a bonus." Marvolo released a low chuckle.

"Oh, you do impress me, Hadrian."

"What can I say." Harry brushed invisible flint from his robes.

"Potter will take a serious blow tomorrow within the eyes of the public, especially seeing as there is no way that she isn't going to be found guilty. Amelia Bones is the most law-abiding Head of Department in the ministry.

"I know which is why we have everything already set up; we are solely in the right here which is why it is going to go in our favor." Harry said.

"This is going to be the first time I'm going to enjoy seeing Dumbledore." Marvolo said with a smirk.

"I thought as much." Harry laughed, "We have the first appointment tomorrow, so when I get back from the Alley I will come and inform you of the happenings, so you can prepare for Dumbledore's disgruntlement."

"Indeed do, and once this is out in the open it will give us ample opportunity to begin movement."

"Yes, you've been planning recently."

"I have, I need my most faithful removed from Azkaban." Marvolo said, "But, I want them out silently."

"There's no chance I'm getting out of this one is there?" Harry asked warily and Marvolo smiled.


"Ugh, so unfair."

"Think of this as an opportunity to show off all your supposed skill." Marvolo suggested and Harry's eyes narrowed.

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