Chapter 75

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The sun was rising slowly, casting its warm rays upon a beautiful white manor that stood on stretches of land. The manor was large, standing three stories high and eight windows wide. It had a set of double doors that were colored in a proud red and they were surrounded by pillars that lines the front of the building. The lands that the grand manor stood on stretched miles in each direction and a Quidditch pitch could be seen behind the building, there was a set of gates that welcomes people in to the estate and on them was a crest that held a griffin with open wings with two crossed swords behind it.

It was the Potter crest.

The manor was the Potter Manor which had been in the Potter family for centuries and it was still standing tall housing the latest generation of Potter; the Potters in question were Lord James Potter with his wife Lady Lily Potter nee Evans and their daughter Heiress Rosina Potter. The Potters were currently sat around their dining room table eating breakfast and Rosina less than pleased at being awoken at such an hour.

"But why couldn't I stay in bed, it's the holidays!" She complained.

"We've been through this Rosina; you are booked in to have your Heir robes fitted." Lily sighed.

"I don't care! I'm tired, we could have gone later. Why did you book me in this early?"

"You wanted the store to close while you were in there, Madam Malking only does private fittings in the morning."

"Its not fair! I'm the Girl-Who-Lived, she should work around me." Rose stated and Lily sighed again.

"She has a business to run, Rosina. You cannot expect people to work around you all the time." Lily told her sternly. She wondered how her child had become so conceited enough to believe that she could have anything at the click of her fingers.

"Don't worry Rosie, afterwards we can go around the alley and you can have whatever you want." James soothed and Lily rolled her eyes-that answered her question.

"James, she can't behave like that and be rewarded." Lily tried and James pinned her with a look that almost made her wince.

"She is fine, you were the one who booked her in to early instead of asking her." James stated with no room for argument, Lily just nodded knowing it was pointless to argue; it would only bring bad things to her. Lily quickly finished her breakfast and went up to put her robes on, she selected her favorite green and gold ones. She had always loved dressing in green and gold ever since Severus had told her it looked the best on her. Oh, how she missed her best friend. She regretted parting ways with him more than anything in her life. The only thing that could have topped it was marrying James Potter and allowing Harry to be taken away from her care. She knew that was a mistake within the first month.

And she had tried to get him back, she had tried her best to convince James that they should collect their son because it was their child and they should be the only ones to raise him no matter what the circumstance; but it had been like talking to a wall and when she had gone to get himself herself James had stopped her; it was the first time he had ever hit her. Lily had been stunned. The man she loved, the man she had sacrificed so much o had struck her, but she had forgiven him because he had been so remorseful, he had apologized repeatedly and showered her in gifts swearing it would never happen again and so it was forgotten. But it did. They were fighting about Harry again; Lily wanted her son back. She told James that it had been a mistake- that they weren't a family without both of their children and he had lashed out splitting her lip and giving her a black eye.

It had only escalated from there.

They would argue and James would hit her, he'd apologize and it would happen again, and by the time Rosina was six Lily knew that he would never change. It wasn't a marriage, she was just a trophy that was paraded around to finish the perfect family image, and she had tried to leave him, but James had pointed out that if she was left now no one would believe her, she would be going against a Noble and Ancient House as a Muggleborn, it didn't matter what evidence she had she would use and because of James she didn't have any friends to help her. And so, Lily learned to keep quiet, she remembered everything Severus had taught her about hiding her emotions and thoughts and applied it to her life and they became the perfect happy family for everyone to see. It worked for years, she learned to act and behave in a way that caused her the least amount of pain, and then the day came where she would finally see her baby again. She couldn't have been more excited and she had paid for it, but she didn't care, her son was coming back.

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