Chapter 13

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"Hi"- speak. 
'Thoughts' - thought
$Parseltongue$ - Parseltongue.
#Gobbledygook# - Gobbledygook.
"Expecto Patronum'" Spells

Harry woke up because someone was knocking on his door. He groaned and got up, blinking a few times. At first, he wasn't sure where he was, then it all came to him. He opened the door and saw his aunt standing there.

"Breakfast is ready, and your parents are coming to pick you up at 12, so make sure you're packed." His aunt said and left him standing by the door. Harry grinned. 'Today's going to be fun' He thought. He went inside his room, opened his trunk and took out some clothes. He went and had a shower and wore black ripped jeans, emerald green t-shirt, to match his eyes, and a black jacket. He sat down with the other's and saw them eating bacon and eggs. He looked at this apparently ordinary muggle dish and ate. He then waved his hand, and the dish cleaned itself. He then headed upstairs, ignoring the shocked looks.

He spent his time, reading his books and talking with his snake, Alpha. He was a master at occlumency and remembered everything after just reading it once. It was helpful for him, and it helped him do his projects quicker. At 12 exactly there was a knock on the door.

"Boy, your parents have come." His aunt shouted from down.

Harry rolled his eyes at that. 'Does every muggle shout so loud?' He thought. He then smirked because his 'parents' had come. He packed his trunk, shrunk it and put it in his pocket. He put Alpha on his shoulder, covering him with an invisibility spell. He put on a blank expression and told his owl Hedwig to fly for some time, and stretch her wings. Hedwig chirped at him and flew off. Harry waved his hand and the room changed, becoming the one it was before.

He came down within minutes and come face to face with his 'parents' for the first time. He looked at James potter. He was a tall man, about 6'0 and had untidy black hair, and hazel eyes behind those glasses. James, like him, was wearing black jeans and a red shirt. He then looked over to Lily, who was about 5'5 and had fiery red hair, and emerald eyes. She was wearing and emerald green dress.

"Hello, Harry." Lily said softly. Harry looked at her with no expression on his face.

"It's good to see you again." James said trying to make Harry look at him. Harry looked at the same expressionless face. He wasn't going to lie to them.

"We will take you shopping today to get supplies for your school and we will reintroduce you to your sister." James said, cheerfully. Harry internally sneered at him.

"Lovely." Harry said coldly, making them both flinch. "Can we go out now, I can't stand it here."

"Of course, we can go." Lily said. "Do you have anything to take?"

"I assure you; I have taken everything that I need, and don't need anything else." Harry said and looked at the house with disgust. He then walked past them." Harry turned back and saw them still standing there. "Well, aren't you coming, or shall I go on my own."

"We will be travelling in an unusual way, but It is safe. But you have to keep calm." James explained. Harry raised his eyebrows.

"I assume you want to apparate to Leaky Cauldron, so we can shop at Diagon Alley. In that case I must point out that it is not safe. You can splinch yourself and your passenger, and it has nothing to do with being calm. You have to be willing to apparate, and concentrate on the location." Harry informed him. They both looked shocked. Lily took his hand and he stiffened. They then apparated and Harry again felt the feeling of being squeezed through a tube and they arrived at the pub.

Harry straightened his clothes. Harry felt a little uncomfortable wearing muggle clothes in a pub, be he had to wear it. Lily and James then took him to a room in the pub and harry raised his eyebrows at them, questioning them.

They asked him to sit down and he sat.

"We have some important things to discuss." Lily said.

"One being how you know about the wizarding world. Petunia couldn't have told you." James asked. Harry looked at him, and didn't answer. He just settled in his chair. "Well?" James demanded.

"Very well. I have an eidetic memory. I remember everything from when I was a baby. I remember you using your wand to make bubbles and whatnot. So, basically I know of the wizarding world." Harry said coolly.

"That's surprising." Lily said slowly.

"That means, we don't have to explain the weird things that happened." James said brightly.

"Strange things?" Harry asked.

"You know accidental magic. It shows whether you are a wizard or a squib." James explained.

"Yea, I've had some bouts of accidental magic, but gradually learnt to control it." Harry shrugged.

"When did you learn to control it?" Lily asked.

"About 7 years." Harry lied. He had learnt to control his magic at the age of three, but did not want them to know.

"That's impressive." Lily said and James nodded.

"Now, I have a question for you. Why did you put me with Muggles?" Harry inquired.

Lily and James had expected this. "There was a war raging and there was a man who was dark, who tried to kill us. He came to our house on 31st October and stunned both of us. He tried to kill your sister, but the curse rebounded and killed he-who-must-not-be-named. So, we had to give you away, so that you would not get jealous, and we had to train her." James explained.

"So, you are selfish, fame hungry people, who gave away their child, just because the other was famous. And besides, I would not have been jealous, I would have wanted someone to care for me. Now it's too late." Harry said. He smirked internally, at their looks.

"No harry, it was for the best. Even today the reputation still follows us." Lily said softly.

"So, instead of keeping me and making me understand about this. You chose to cast me away and expect me to follow you around because of the fame?" Harry wondered. "Yes, I see the logic." He said sarcastically.

"You'll understand when you're older." James assured him. He looked at him with a blank expression. 'He seriously can't think I'll follow him like a dog'. Harry thought. Pathetic.

"Now is there anything else? I would like to meet my sister." Harry said.

"Yes, we can, Oh and your full name is Hadrian James Potter and your sisters name is Rosina Lillian Potter." Lily said. She waved her hand over her clothes and they changed into the Potter robes with the Potter crest on them. James mimicked the movement and his clothes changed to Lord robes. Harry rolled his eyes and snapped his finger. Instantly, his clothes changed to a black and blue robe. He walked out of the pub, ignoring his parent's shocked looks.

Harry stood at the entrance of Diagon Alley, waiting for them. They arrived and James said. "We'll be meeting your sister and Gringotts. She's with a friend of ours. You'll like the Weasleys." He said cheerfully. 

Hope it's alright guys. Hope you like it. Peace out. 
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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