Chapter 54

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought

Harry and Draco were back in the Entrance Hall when James stalked out, the Potter Lord was so mad he didn't see them and walked straight into them, knocking them to the floor.

"Watch where you're going." He snapped barely looking down.

"You walked into us." Draco returned haughtily. Potter stopped and sneered down at them.

"Only two pieces of scum anyway."

"You don't learn do you, Potter." Harry questioned rhetorically, getting up gracefully and giving Draco a hand. "If anyone is scum around here, it's you."

"Why you little- "

"What are you doing to my son?" Sirius Black's irate voice cracked through what was said to be a tirade from Potter. James span to face him.

"Back off, Black."

"Potter, I beat you once, I can do it again." Sirius drawled and Harry smirked as Potter's face turned red.

"That time, Black."

"But that was the time that mattered, and now the world knows what a low life you are way from the cameras." Sirius said with a very Slytherin smirk.

"Oops, a crack in the perfect image." Harry mocked, he saw James' hand twitch for his wand and laughed.

"Leave now, Potter. You'll only embarrass yourself." Harry sneered. James's face turned redder before he spun on his hell and stormed off.

"What was he doing to you, pup?" Sirius asked walking over.

"Ran into us, literally." Harry told him.

"Called us scum." Draco added.

"You know how it is." Harry finished and then they blinked.

"Gotta stop doing that." They muttered together and then laughed.

"Wow," Sirius said. "I think Theo and Blaise are looking for you." The looks the two exchanged were not comforting to him at all, but he chose not to ask as they rushed off. The other two were waiting at the doorway and grinned.


"Let's go." Harry handed Theo a phial which he pocketed and they split up, Draco and Harry headed to the common room talking about the article and when they were far enough down that no one was around they smirked.

"Grab the map for backup." Harry told Draco as he cast the spell, Draco vanished and Harry cast the spell on his eyes so he could see his outline.

"Got it." Harry turned and went back the way he came, he slipped into a passage that took him to the library and then a passage to the fourth floor. He was walking down the corridor of the headmaster's office when he caught sight of Blaise's outline.

"Dumbledore is still at breakfast; you have 10 minutes."

"Ok." Harry pressed his hand to the gargoyle and went up the staircase, there were wards across the door which he didn't know if he could break without alerting the headmaster.

"I Hadrian Regulus Loki Black-Lupin, heir of the Founders seek access to the headmaster's office."

The castle pulsed and the door swung open, clearing the wards. Harry smirked to himself, patting the wall fondly and slipped inside. The portraits were looking around in confusion because no one was there, Harry chuckled, startling them. He then noticed that the sweets were not on the table and checked the drawers and found them in top left one. Harry pulled out a phial and emptied it into the open bag and another the phial on the bowl of pre-opened ones. He heard a bang, and froze, cursing. He placed everything back how it was found and closed the drawer, but he was too slow. The alarm signaling someone was on their way up sounded and Harry pressed himself in the corner closest to the door just as Dumbledore entered followed by James Potter.

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