Chapter 10.

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"Hi"- speak
'Thought"- thought
$Parseltongue$- Parseltongue
"Stupefy" - Spells

Harry was practicing spell work with Sal, who was flinging curses at him, to improve his reflexes. When you had a dark arts master throwing curses at you, you learn to dodge them quickly. It was fun once he got the hang of it, and it helped him improve his muscles. Harry was left panting when Sal relented, but he was grinning because he hadn't been hit once.

"You've gotten particularly good at that" Sal noted. He flicked his wand to clean his and Harry's robes.

"You didn't exactly give me choice." Harry pointed out with a laugh.

"Better now than being struck down." Sal stated and Harry agreed.

"I've looked into your potion work, Harry." Sal said as they walked to lunch. Harry froze at his name.

"How was it?" He asked. Sal went silent which didn't help him.

"It was phenomenal, Snakelet." Sal admitted and Harry grinned.

"It was perfect. I couldn't have done it better myself." Sal said proudly. "Your theory surrounding Aconite was ingenious, and I shall conduct some of your outlined experiments myself. All my notes shall remain a secret of course, and I shall leave them for you to find."

"Thank you." Said Harry.

"Also, the notes of your shielding potion were exceptional. All the components are there and the theory is correct. The only thing left is testing it out and I will not allow you to test it on yourself." Sal shot him a reapproving look as he closed his mouth and smiled sheepishly.

"Although, Godric did volunteer with Helga to travel to collect one of the testers this afternoon." Sal continued and Harry gasped.

"Wow." Exclaimed Harry.

"So, this potion it protects the person from all curses, including the unforgivables." Sal said.

"Yup. If it works it could protect a lot of people." Harry exclaimed.

"I don't doubt you, Snakelet." Sal said. Harry skipped all the way to the Great Hall, hugged the others and sat down on his seat.

"I see Sal has told you of my decision." Godric said and Harry beamed.

"Yes, I cannot thank you enough for doing this." Harry said.

"You're welcome, Harry." Helga said. "This is just to verify it and we trust you." Harry was bouncing up and down in his seat while Godric and Helga went to get one of the prisoners. Harry was excited as he could finally test his potion. He had been working on the theory for ages and had finally done it. It took a lot of ingredients and herbs for the potion and he desperately wanted it to work. He had the prepare the ingredients beforehand and Sal had helped him. The brewing did not take much time, but it was extremely difficult.

He started brewing the potion. He reread the potion again and again until he brewed the potion to perfection. The worst part was waiting for it to simmer. He often got bored while waiting. He brought the potion to boiling point and watching the bubbles pop and making it resemble the color of gold. Harry took the cauldron of the heat to let it cool. He then started tidying up and cleaning the bench. He made sure everything was clean, including himself. Harry bottled it up and bolted out the room. Sal was standing there near the door, waiting for him and together they went to Helga's chambers and went in.

"I wasn't expecting you so soon." Godric said, surprised.

"It wasn't a long one, just hard." Harry said eagerly and gave the potion to Godric.

"Compose yourself, Snakelet." Sal said and Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He calmed down.

"This is prisoner 642." Helga informed him. "5ft 8, 183 pounds. No health issues, 7 years imprisonment, killed 3 people.

Harry's expression darkened and he wished they were using a worse potion, and judging from everyone's expression, he was not the only one.

"Administrating test potion." Helga said and she poured the potion down the prisoner's throat. Harry had summoned a notepad and quill and was writing important points. They all watched as the prisoner began to glow slightly for a brief moment and then it faded away. He stepped forward to look and the prisoner close. Salazar took out his wand to get ready to cast while the others watched.

Salazar began casting spells at the prisoner. He first began using basic spells: disarmers, stunning spells and jinxes, casting them at various speeds for Harry to write down. They seemed to sink in the skin, but if you looked closer, you would see that the spells were sinking in front of them, like there was an invisible barrier. The spells become more harmful and dangerous, but it still did not hit and the prisoner was perfectly fine. Salazar started casting the darkest spells and even cast some Parseltongue spells. Sal even cast the Unforgivables, yet it did nothing. Only after an hour did it waver, Sal cast a stunning spell just to be sure and the prisoner was stunned.

"Congrats Harry!" Godric said brightly, putting cuffs on the prisoner.

"You've done remarkably well." Sal agreed.

"I shall continue to monitor him, but I must agree, it's a job well done." Helga said.

"Thanks, I just can't believe it worked. And Parsel spells...." Harry shook his head. They went to the Founder's room where Rowena was making tea. When she saw them, she gave them a warm spell.

"How'd it go, Harry dear?" Rowena asked. Harry beamed.

"It was a success" Harry said proudly.

"Congrats! I'm sure you're proud." Rowena congratulated.

"I am."

They sat having tea and snacks and talking about their lesson plans for the upcoming year. Then they remembered Harry would be going.

"I go back in a month, don't I?" Harry asked suddenly.

"Yes, unfortunately, you won't be able to stay here beyond that point." Sal answered sadly.

"I understand, but I will miss you guys a lot. I'll remember you buy seeing my pictures of you. I hope you'll make portraits of yourselves so that I can see and talk to you."

"A very mature outlook, Snakelet." Sal noted.

"What made you ask so suddenly?" Godric asked.

"I just remembered what you told me, about my parents coming to collect me and 'introduce' me to the wizarding world.

"What about it?" Helga asked.

"If they find out that I'm the true boy-who-lived they'll ask me to fight for them, but I won't. I'm will show the world what I can do and I will shock them." Harry smirked. Everyone else smirked imagining what Harry would put them through. Harry was a strong, powerful wizard. When someone insulted someone, he cared for, he would get extremely angry. Even the founders would get scared sometimes. Harry was a learned person, who had learnt the whole Hogwarts curriculum.

"It will be such a shock for them when you are more powerful than the so called 'Girl-who-lived.' And will have no problem illustrating your power." Sal said amused.

"It will be a shock." Row agreed.

"How unfortunate." Godric said with sarcasm.

"You are all terrible." Helga chided. "Although Harry do remember the wards and protections we learnt. You've gotten pretty good at them."

The group burst into laughter and that comment before they calmed down and went for dinner. 


Hi guys. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Peace out.

Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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