Chapter 74

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Sirius, who knew the ministry more than the others, led them through to Madam Bones' office. He knocked sharply on the door three times and a stern voice called for them to enter. The office was large, perfect size for a Head of a Department, and It was simple. There was a window, some filing cabinets and a desk, but it screamed professional. The woman sat behind the desk, that Harry presumed was Madam Bones, was a severe looking woman. She had dark auburn hair which was greying slightly in some parts. She was sat with a stiff posture and a stern expression; she had a monocle hanging around her neck and she was dressed in black robes.

"Lord Black, Lord Lupin, Heir Lupin-Black have a seat." She motioned to the right side of the room where there were three seats.

"Thank you, Madam Bones." Sirius murmured and just as they sat down, the secretary was at the door announcing the arrival of the Potters. Harry made sure his shields were up tightly and he correct his posture, he didn't glance around when they entered, but he could tell it was the three of them, by their magic.

"Lord, Lady and Heiress Potter, have a seat." Madam Bones said to them and they went to the opposite side of the room. There was a tense silence before a knock sounded at the door and three more people entered. Harry looked around slightly to see a talk, dark skinned man step in, followed by an average looking man with a mane like hairdo and a scowl, and a young woman with bright pink hair. They were all dressed in auror robes indicating their purpose.

"I have called Head Auror Scrimgeour, Senior Auror Shacklebolt and trainee Auror Tonks to witness this hearing." Bones told them, "Are there any opposed?"

"Where's Dumbledore?" James questioned and Harry spotter Madam Bones' eye twitch in annoyance.

"This is not Dumbledore's jurisdiction, Lord Potter. If you require the presence of the Chief Warlock, then maybe you wish this to be held in front of the Wizengamot." She said to him with a slight bit. James didn't look happy, but didn't say anything more.

"Head Auror Scrimgeour, seal the door if you will." Bones commanded and Harry felt the wards surround the room, they were very powerful and they wouldn't be interrupted. Madam Bones tapped a sheet of parchment on her right and a quill stood poised waiting to transcribe, she pulled out a file and placed it in front of her before looking at the assembled group.

"Disciplinary hearing for the assault to an Heir to a Noble and Most Ancient House, 10th of July 1992; Black-Lupin v Potter, leading the hearing, Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, witnessed by the Head Auror Scrimgeour, Senior Auror Shacklebolt and Trainee Auror Tonks." Madam Bones started the hearing, "Lord Black, present your case."

"Thank you, Madam Bones." Sirius said graciously, "I am pressing charges against the Heiress of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter for the attack of my son and Heir Hadrian Regulus Loki Black-Lupin. Heiress Potter did knowingly attack my son, she did it with intention to harm, showed no remorse for her actions and with the help of Lord Potter and Headmaster Dumbledore denied her actions and claimed false pretenses." Sirius explained the situation clearly and sat back down. Hadrian kept his face blank as he saw Potter's expression get angry and Rosina looked furious. His eyes glances over Lily and his eyes narrowed slightly, she was looking down at her hands and was sat completely still.

"Your case has been heard. Lord Potter, present your counter case."

"Lord Black is presenting a bias case; he did not have accurate line of sight of the accident. As flying instructor of the school, I did not believe Heir Lupin-Black was fit for the air, but he was given the position of seeker despite my professional judgement. During the accident, he tried to perform a stunt that he was not qualified to perform and failed and is now blaming my daughter and Heiress, Rosina Potter." James sat down and threw a smug look at Sirius, who didn't react at all.

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