Chapter 29

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"Hi" - Speech
'Hi' - Thought
"Accio" - Spells

November passed quickly. Slytherin was currently first on the House Cup and top for the Quidditch cup. Harry was of course the top student. He was walking to the library when he heard hushed voices of the Gryffindor Trio. He hid behind the statue closest to them and listened.

"No, I've heard of him before, I just can't remember." Ganger muttered, irritated.

"Well, whoever he is he has a connection to what's hidden in the third-floor corridor." Rosina said.

"Yea, and Snape's after it." Weasley growled.

"We'll just have to keep looking for this Flamel guy. I'm sure we'll find him somewhere." Rosina sighed.

"Nicholas Flamel, I know I've read it somewhere." Granger whispered, sounding incredibly frustrated.

"Come on, we have to finish the Transfiguration essay." Rosina reminded them. "Daddy said he'd help us."

Harry stayed silent and then went back to the common room after the three went away. There he saw Draco reading his Charms textbook.

"Put that down, we have to search for someone." Harry told him.

"Just let me finish, otherwise my father will kill me. My grades are not what he expected." Draco sighed and Harry looked alarmed.

"Dray why didn't you tell me about this, I could have helped you." Harry said.

"Nothing, he's just picky." Draco tried to push it off but Harry didn't let him.

"What's he angry about?" Harry demanded.

"It's just Granger and her need to live in the library. When father found out she was a muggleborn, he was very angry that a person with no experience in the wizarding world was getting better marks than me." Draco said, sighing.

"Well, you're not having the top spot, that's mine. Besides, Granger knows just the theory not in casting. You, on the other hand have experience casting the spells and are much more advanced. You just have to learn the theory. You study Occlumency right?"

"Yes, all pureblood parents teach their children."

"You will be second in no time." Harry said.

They went back to their dorms and Harry placed his fingers on Draco's temple.

"Let me in your mind. Trust me and it'll work." Harry said and Draco nodded. They both went into a meditative trance. Both of them appeared in Draco's mind. Harry looked around and saw that it was ordered for a 11-year-old, but there were flaws. Harry ordered Draco to create a room, for the school subjects. They created shelves with each shelf for a specific subject. They finally came out of the meditative trance they had been in for an hour.

"What's the basic water charm?" Harry asked.

"Aguamenti." Draco said instantly and grinned.

"Wow that's amazing. It just came to me instantly."

"It's because you arranged your mind. Your memories now will tell you everything on the subjects. After learning something you meditate, and arrange it in the correct shelves. The more you do it, the easier it will be for you."

"That's incredible. Is it a further branch on Occlumency?"

"Sort of. You have to master ordering your mind perfectly in order to do so."

"Thanks really." Draco told him sincerely and Harry nodded.

"Just tell me next time, and I'll help."

"Now why did you come in here again?"

"To ask if you've heard of Nicholas Flamel. He has something to do with the thing hidden in the 3rd floor."

"Flamel, I've heard of him."

"Even I have, I just can't seem to remember him."

"I'll write to father, maybe he can tell us something." Draco suggested.

"Yes, and then we'll find out what's hidden in the corridor."

That day Draco wrote to his father and got an answer immediately.

"Hades. Father wrote back to me."

"What did he say?" Harry asked, eagerly.

"He said that Nicholas Flamel is a famous alchemist."

"Oh, mother magic." Harry whispered. "I think I know what's hidden in the corridor."


"Nicholas Flamel is the maker of the Sorcerer's Stone." Harry said and Draco's eyes widened.

"What are they doing keeping a valuable object like that in a school full of children?"

"I'm thinking the same thing. I mean he recently celebrated his 665th birthday. I thought he'd take care of his stuff more carefully."

"True. Maybe someone was trying to steal it. I mean it makes a person immortal, so anyone would want it."

"I wonder who."

"I want to know what's guarding it."

"Well, Draco. We're going their tonight." Harry said grinning and Draco smirked. The two went to the Great Hall for dinner feeling excited at the prospect of finding what was guarding the stone. They returned to their dorm, and when everyone was asleep, they cast a disillusion charm on themselves and went to the 3rd floor corridor, dodging Filch and Mrs. Norris. They reached the door and took a deep breath.

"Wands at the ready?" Draco asked.


Harry unlocked the door with a flick of his hand. They silently opened the door, and what they saw made their blood freeze. Standing in front of them, growling, was a very angry Cerberus. 3 pairs of eyes glowing at them.

"Should we come here when we have a plan?" Draco suggested, his voice higher.

"I knew you were smart." Harry said, his voice higher as well.

The Cerberus took a step towards them and the duo ran towards the door opened it and locked it again once they were out. They ran towards the dungeons and to their dorm.

"Well, we can certainly say it's protected."

"Indeed." Draco agreed.

"So, all we have to do is get to know how to get past it." Harry pointed out.

"I have a book on magical creatures, we can look their tomorrow. First we have to know who's after it." Draco said and Harry sighed.

"The Golden Trio thinks it's Snape." Harry said and Draco snorted.

"I know my Godfather; he would never steal anything."

"We'll have to sneak around to not get caught."

"Indeed, we have to."

True to their words they spent a lot of time sneaking around trying to figure out how to get through the Cerberus. They played many pranks over the days, most of which were hilarious.

They knew that one day they would get through the Cerberus and get the stone. 

Words: 1046. 
Hey guys hope you like it. I'll upload more tomorrow. Peace out.
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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