Chapter 26

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"Hi" - Speech
'Hi' - Thought
"Expecto Patronum"  - Spells

A beautiful snowy owl, swooped out of nowhere and flew towards the Gryffindor table. She dropped the letter in front of the twins, who read the letter and left the hall. No one noticed two other snakes move out of the Great Hall at the same time. In the hidden archway four people stood there.

"Hades, Draco- "

"How's our favorite snakes?"

"Hello Gred and Forge." Harry said, amused.

"What prank – "

"Are we attempting on the- "

"Girl-Who-Lived?" They said together.

Harry handed them a bottle and a powder. "So, slip the liquid into her shampoo and the powder on things she uses daily."

"Of course." They said together.

All of them smirked. For the rest of the day Harry and Draco said magical 'tripwires' in every class and the Great Hall that would trigger when Rosina entered, activating the prank. Marcus Flint cornered him in the common room telling him to get a decent broom and be on the pitch at 6 in the evening. He blinked at this demand and departure and went to go visit Sirius and Remus as Draco had to finish his homework and write to his parents. As soon as he arrived at their office, Sirius jumped up and handed him a long package, grinning.

"Open it." He said excitedly.

"Ooo a present!" Harry exclaimed equally excited. He tore of the paper and whooped when he saw a Nimbus 2000 broomstick. "Padfoot this is amazing!" He said hugging the man. "Oh, Circe I've always wanted one of these. Look it's so beautiful.

The broom was sleek and shiny, made out of mahogany, with 2000 written in gold at the end of the broom.

"I can't wait to ride on it and show it to Draco."

"Well go on then." Sirius said. "You don't have any lessons."

"Thanks Uncle Siri, you're the best." Harry declared walking out of the room and hugging a startled Remus who just walked in. He ran all the way to the dungeons and to the common room and showed the broom to Draco.

"A nimbus 2000!" He exclaimed. "That's the fastest broom."

"Sirius just gave it to me." Harry explained. "Want to test it out?"

"Of course." Draco said. Both of them ran out of the common room and towards the pitch. When they reached, Harry mounted his broom and flew in the air whooping at its incredible speed and smooth flying.

"What other stunts do you have up your sleeve?" Draco asked and Harry grinned. He stood up on his broom and flew while standing. He sailed past Draco who was smiling. He sailed above and bent his knees and then flipped and landed on his broom. He landed next to Draco who was grinning.

"That was so amazing. With tricks like that you'll best the best seeker ever." He exclaimed.

"Thanks Draco." He handed him the broom. "Now it's your turn."

"Wicked." Draco said and kicked off the ground and circled the pitch. He was good.

"Now let's go cause some trouble before Flint comes." Harry said while they walked back to the common room. and Draco grinned. Harry rummaged around his potions and took two bottles with a clear liquid in it.

"We need to clear the Hall. C'mon let's go meet the twins."

"What is that?"

"It's a time transfer glue. We are going to spread it on the entrance of the Great Hall. So, when you stop on it you get stuck."

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