Chapter 25

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"hi" -  Speech
'hi'-  Thought
"Stupefy"  - spells

When Harry finally walked through the entrance of the common room, Draco immediately rushed forward.

"Drake" he said, stopping the blond. "I'm fine. Just needed to have some time alone."

"Potter was completely out of line." Draco exclaimed. "What are we going to do about it?"

Harry grinned, hugging his best friend.

"And that is why, Draco Malfoy, we will always be friends." Harry declared. They sat down on the sofa and began making plans on how to make Potter miserable. The two shared evil looks and smirked. The rest of the people in the common room shuddered at their looks, not wanting to know what the devious duo was up to.

"Oh, Uncle Sev and Sirius will want to see you." Draco remembered.

"Uh oh." Harry said. "How bad do you think it's going to be?"

"Uncle Sev still wants you on the team and while he understands your loss of cool; he may not be pleased. Sirius was more worried than angry. He enraged Potter and kept muttering about "losing him again" and "calming down a frantic wolf". "Draco said.

Harry went a bit pale.


"I take it you know what that means?" Draco asked and Harry nodded.

"Uncle Moony is always in a funny mood when he's ill."

Draco still looked confused before he understood.

"He's a werewolf, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Uncle Sev brews his potion." Draco waved Harry away. "Now, you better go meet them, before they came barging in here."

Harry looked alarmed at this and jumped to his feet.

"Meet you later Dray." He walked to his Godfather and uncle's room and muttered the password. He was pounced on for the second time that day. This time by a frantic uncle and a worried Godfather.

"There you are cub." Remus exclaimed. "You had us so worried. We were afraid that we lost you all over again. Sirius told me what that bastard said to you. I'll hunt him down and kill him." The last sentence came out as a snarl and Harry patted his uncle's back.

"I'm fine – really." He added, when Moony looked like he didn't believe Harry.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise." Harry assured. He hugged his Godfather and smiled at him. "Potter just annoyed me a bit."

"A bit? Nice storm, pup." Sirius joked and Harry's smile turned sheepish.

"Yea ok more than a bit."

"Congratulations on making the team though." Sirius said ruffling his hair.

"Thanks." Harry said. "I was really gutted when I found out first years couldn't bring their own brooms."

"It's merely a rule to compensate for muggleborns coming in to the world, to make it fair." Sirius said and harry wrinkled his nose.

"That's stupid. This is the wizarding world. They should be going straight into customs class rather than normal classes." Harry stated. "We're expected to learn and adapt to their world. They should do the same to ours."

"Dumbledore has changed a lot over the years." Sirius said. "I do not discriminate against blood but we don't even celebrate our own festivals."

"This is offensive to Lady Magic." Harry declared. "So many things are wrong with this time and it's all because of Dumbledore. He's the center of power, isn't he?"

"He is the Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock. However, yes, he has a lot of power, since Fudge listens to everything Dumbledore says, because he believes Dumbledore is the greatest wizard. Th leader of the Light." Moony answered.

"Some light. They may be good, but they treat other races badly and don't allow people to study other forms of magic." Sirius muttered.

"Well Harry, you better get going. Severus will want to talk to you about your placement on the team." Remus said.

"Yea, he won't be pleased by the way you stormed off." Sirius said.

"Merlin." Harry muttered. "I'll go see him now."

"Off you go pup. Be careful."

"I will. Bye!" Harry ran of with a wave and ran to the dungeons. He knocked on Professor's door and heard a "Come in." He opened the door and entered in watching his professor write some stuff.

"Mr. Potter."

Harry winced at the coldness in his professor's voice.

"I came to apologize for walking off." He said calmly putting up a blank face. His professor didn't look up.

"What should you have done?" Snape inquired and Harry winced at how much Severus reminded him of Salazar.

"I should have kept my cool and dealt with the situation properly."

Snape finally looked up and beckoned him to take a seat. Harry sighed; he was forgiven.

"You look worn." Snape noted.

"I just came here after Draco and Uncle Moony and Padfoot."

Snape winced.

"Well, I asked Headmaster and he agreed to let you on the team." Snape said and Harry grinned. "However, Potter 'appealed' that Rosina Potter be put on the Gryffindor team."

"What? Oh c'mon."

"As expected, Dumbledore immediately agreed to put her on the team. He even went as far as granting her to bring her own broomstick." Snape smirked. "Which means you are also allowed to bring your own broomstick."

"Brilliant." Harry replied. "If Potter wants to see his daughter get beaten on the pitch as well as classroom then so be it."

"Don't make me regret my decision." Severus dismissed Harry and Harry laughed.

"Sir, I'm probably better on a broomstick than in potions."

He headed to the Great Hall and walked up to him. He grinned at Draco.

"Potter got the Girl-Who-Lived on the Gryffindor team. And she got permission to get her own broom, which means- "

"You can get your own broom too." Draco finished.

"Yep, I can't wait to beat her in a match."

"It's going to be amazing." Draco agreed. "You'll have to talk to Flint. I heard that he gets angry when they lose."

"It'll be worth it."

"I'm kind of jealous."

"Don't worry, you'll be on the team next year." Harry assured.

"Maybe. Seeing as we have plans for Potter senior, what his spawn?"

"I have plans to make her life living hell, but we need inside help."


"Yes. We need the twins." 

Hey guys hope you like it. Uploading time is from 12 - 1pm. (IST) I'll upload more later. Peace out.
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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