Chapter 40

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"Hi" - Speech
'hi' - Thought

Harry was buzzing for the hall to fill up for breakfast, he had dragged Draco early, much to the blonde's disgust. He hadn't told him why, just that he had to see something. Harry decided not to tell him about his Godfather's transformation as he wanted to see his cousin's reaction. Why they went to the hall, Harry had deliberately mentioned Snape, so the blonde would look at him and he hadn't been disappointed. Draco's jay dropped and his eyes widened.

"What in Merlin's name happened to Uncle Sev?" He squeaked much to Harry's amusement; the Black Heir had burst out laughing and dodged out of the way when a fist was aimed his way.

"I told you I wanted to show you something." Harry said after calming down. Draco rushed to the Head Table and stopped in front of Severus, who was looking at his Godson in amusement.

"Good morning, Draco."

"What happened?"

"Miracle juice." Sirius answered cheerfully, sitting down next to Snape and hissed when a stinging jinx was thrown at him.

"Shut it, Black."

"Which one?" Sirius and Harry asked together and Snape sighed.

"Merlin, help me."

"You still haven't told me what happened." Draco pointed out.

"Hadrian and I had a potions accident and the antidote did this."

Draco's eyebrows rose and he turned to Harry.

"You did this?"

"By accident, yes."

Remus sat down and grinned at Harry. "Amazing job, son. By the way, Severus the look suits you."

"Thank you, see Black, that is how you compliment politely."

"I didn't say anything." Harry said with a grin. Snape shot him a glare, to which Harry looked at him innocently.

"I still don't know how it happened." Harry shrugged. "Maybe it just reversed all the damage your potions did to you."

"It could be." Snape agreed. "I have brewed many Toxic potions during my years as a master. Most of them left a mark."

Sirius put his arm around Severus' shoulder and grinned.

"We'll keep the juice available, just in case." He received another stinging jinx, this time to his face, but thankfully his mate was there to block it. The rest of the students started coming in and as soon as they caught sight of Snape, whispers began to spread like wildfire. Harry flashed a grin to his Godfather and wandered back to his seat. Snape scowled and Sirius snickered at him, but then sighed as he would have to get used to it. Severus Snape was the sole topic during the entire breakfast, much to the man's displeasure and Harry's amusement.

The reaction that caught Harry's eyes was Lily Potter's. She entered the great Hall and noticed that her face was beaded with sweat as if she was trying to do something. Harry had a sneaking suspicion that she was under potions and decided to ask her about it later. She looked at Severus stopped and looked at him with awe. When James entered the Hall, her face immediately changed to a blank look. This raised a lot of questions in Harry's mind. They went to their classes and it seemed that Severus Snape was a new celebrity. Everywhere Harry went, the Potions Master was mentioned.

Many of the students used to blush scarlet and hurry past when the man walked past them. Harry and Draco found this very amusing.

"It wouldn't surprise me if he was killed by dinner." Draco commented lowly, coming out of the Potions classroom. Snape had been absolutely brutal during the lesson, that even the Slytherins were afraid.

"I'm surprised he didn't murder Brown with that glare alone." Harry added and hastily left when Snape glared at him.

"I forgot that he had unusually good hearing."

"I heard that, Black."

"Sorry, professor handsome." Harry replied and froze in absolute horror. Draco gaped at him and Harry couldn't believe what he had just said to his Godfather. It was what Brown and Patil had been whispering in class; why would he say that?

"Run fast and run very far away." Draco advised and Harry didn't need him to tell it twice. He ran for it making sure Draco followed him, leaping through many passageways, jumping up two steps at a time and finally reaching the Marauder's pad where he muttered the password and jumped into the room, making sure Draco followed him and closed the door.


Sirius came out of the room looking alarmed.

"What happened?"

"Uncle Sev's going to murder me." He gasped with Draco nodding.

"Hades ruined his mood."

"I wasn't supposed to say it out loud."

"I'm pretty sure he's coming here now."

Harry yelped and hid behind Sirius.

"Open the damn door, Black. I'm pretty sure Black Jr. is there and I'm going to wring his neck."

"What in Merlin's name did you do?" Sirius asked in shock.

"I made a funny comment, but he didn't find it funny because he was in his murderous mood, and I said it aloud to him."

"I can hear you, Blacks."

Sirius carefully opened the door and Harry dived behind the sofa.

"Wait till I get my hands on you, Black."

"Come on Uncle Sev, you know it's kind of funny. I mean you should hear the 5th year Puffs. You're now more favoured than dad."

Both Severus and Sirius froze.


"Yea, with your dark mysterious attitude and oh so smooth voice which is just so mesmerizing." Harry said in a high pitch girl's voice, batting his eyelashes. Draco tried and failed to cover his laughter and ended up clutching his sides as he collapsed in laughter at the expression on his Godfather's face.

"I'm sorry?"

"Yup, I would advise you to ward of your quarters and office tighter and stay there. You have some rabid fans."

That got Sirius laughing too, who joined Draco. They both were still trying to control their laughter when Remus walked in.

"I definitely have to warn Severus. I just had some 7th year Gryffindor and Hufflepuffs and they were practically drooling over the fact that they had Double Potions tomorrow – oh hello, Severus."

Harry was nearly choking as he laughed at his Godfathers' expression of horror. Draco and Sirius were practically rolling on the floor and they had tears streaming down their faces.

"Oh Merlin." Draco gasped taking a huge breath in. "Wait till I tell father and mother about this." Snape collapsed in the nearest chair an put his head in his hands.

"I hate you all." He groaned.

"That's ok, Mr. Dark and Mysterious." Sirius chirped and that sent them laughing again. Snape glared at them before stalking out of the room.

"I have a feeling this is going to last a while." Remus chuckled.

"I hope so, dad. I really hope so."

Words: 1127. 
Hi guys hope you like it. I'll upload tomorrow. Bye!
Boredlife07 Signing off. 

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