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Just behind the blinding lights of the stage are two people staring into each other's soul and holding each other close. 

"I got you always, in all ways." Jeon Jungkook said, gripping Lisa's hand tighter. 

"And I, too." Lisa responded, gripping his hand twice tighter.

"Ready in 3, 2 , 1." As the staff gave the cue, a deafening sound of cheers echoed in the small stage they were in.

They can see pink and purple lights as their ARMYS and BLINKS waved their lightsticks in the air.

They can see their members seated in the front seat as well, with proud look in their eyes. 

Namjoon is carrying a banner that has JEONLISA written on it. 

Hobi and Tae are both holding the army bomb and the hammer bong in both their hands, waiving it like crazy. 

Suga is showing his gummy smile, circling his arms around Jennie who perfectly knows that this might be a scandal headline tomorrow but she is all for it - they are all for it.

Chae is crying like crazy looking at Lisa and Jungkook on stage, while Jimin brushed the small of her back not minding if people are looking at them or not. I mean, with Lisa and Jungkook on stage - fans will be too preoccupied to even look at other people. And of course, they are wearing the best disguise; hoping that no one can recognize them.

"Our kids are growing and I am just so proud of them." It's Jisoo who spoke, fixing her eyes to the two maknaes in front of them. She remembers how Lisa was just a kid, struggling to communicate and speak to them. And now, even just standing there, she can speak to so many. She herself is the voice.

"My Jungkook is all grown up. I remember him when I first came in BigHit. He was so shy, just standing in the corner. And now, even if he's going to try so hard to hide himself, he is always going to shine. He is always going to be found - that is his charm. He is not the Golden Maknae for nothing." Jin replied, in awe of how he basically raised Jungkook and now he is standing in front of many people, holding the hand of the girl he loves. 

"I wanna be like them, to show you off too." Jisoo said that made Jin blush. The eldest member of Blackpink seldom shows affection. He wished he recorded this moment. 

"We can release an album too, you know." Jin said, laughing at his idea. Both of them know that among all their members - they are the least in everything; dancing and singing. They joke about it a lot, but they are just thankful that their members are there to help them improve. 


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"At this point, we should be calling all the saints and chanting the prayers we know." Jungkook said, fidgeting.

"Why in the world would you do that, hyungs?" Jungkook added, sweating twice as hard as the first time he was here.

"Oh so you are the only one allowed, huh?" Suga said while closing his eyes, trying his best to relax.

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