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"YAAAAA, JEON JUNGKOOK, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Seokjin was wailing when he saw Jungkook come out of his room. The oldest member is busy checking on his members' packed bags. Apparently, they are such bad packers that they tend to forget lots of things.

All of the boys are getting ready already for they have an early flight today. And Jeon Jungkook is still a mess. He just freshly came out from his bed, scrunching his nose and rubbing his eyes.

"I went to check on your room, you were not there." Namjoon said as he tied his shoelaces carefully. The leader is now done and is ready to go out and check if the vans are ready.

Jungkook looked at Jimin, and the latter winked at him. Jimin knew what Jungkook was up to. But they swore to each other to not tell anyone, unless Jungkook decides to.

The maknae is a shy type of guy, and he is sure he'd be teased all the time if his members knew about him pursuing Lisa. I mean, they are very supportive about it, they even gave JK the idea, but sometimes, they get too supportive and do the things that could probably cause them to become the headline of all the news article the next day. The maknae would not risk it, he just can't. Especially when he is protecting Lisa from hates comment and to one particular friend, Kim Yerim.

"Cut him some slack hyungs. At least he is here." Jimin backed up. "Aish! Just hurry up, we are not waiting for you!" Jin said as he followed Rapmon to their van.

Jimin followed JK inside his room and helped the latter pack his things. "So how was it, loverboy?" Jungkook is now sure that Jimin would keep on bugging him every single time. Just imagine if all of his hyungs would know.

"Yaaa, Jimin-shi! Tone it down!" Jimin just let out a laugh and patted the youngest. "Calm down, Kook. I just want some update. Besides, I helped you with it! Chaeyoung teased me nonstop, she assumed I liked their maknae, and I could not even tell the girl the truth because you asked me not to." Well, since Bambam is so busy because of his tour. Jungkook was left with no choice.

He asked Jimin to ask Rosé about Lisa's favorite snacks. Jungkook couldn't ask Chae directly because it would be too obvious. And since Rosé and Jimin are friends, since both got mentored by the same vocal teacher, it was just easy for them to communicate.

If I may add, Chae was the one who told Jimin about Lisa and Jungkook. Chae told him what happened on their vacation, since he was so worried and asked Chae when Kook acted differently after their short trip. So Jimin immediately told all the Bangtan Boys and that was why they knew that the girl JK was reffering to was Lisa before Jungkook could even tell them.

"Can you imagine how many adlibs I did for us to just talk about Lisa's favorite snacks? I even mentioned how fat I was before! At least spare me some news!" Jimin argued. He is not that confident talking about his chubby phase, it was Jimin's biggest insecurity.

"Okay..just lower your voice." Jungkook shot back. "I'm gonna tell you later, okay? I need to prepare, I haven't showered yet. Jin hyung will surely kill me." The two agreed and Jimin volunteered to pack JK's things while the maknae showers and freshen himself up.

Jimin and Jungkook sat beside each other on the plane. The older one has been craving a hot cup of tea since earlier.

"Serioulsy, hyung? Did you plan all this?" The maknae asked the smiling Jimin.

Jimin and Taehyung usually sit next to each other on flights. But this time, Jimin decided to ditch his soulmate for Jungkook.

The older one just laughed and wiggled his brows. "JK, I'm telling you..I'm going to announce to our hyungs your little love if you won't give some update." Jungkook just sighed and raised both his hands, accepting his defeat. He should have waited for Bambam.

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