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"Are you ready for the ultimate show?" Bambam said to the laughing Jihyo.

"We are so mean, you know that?" Jihyo said and turned to Rosé who is really really against their plan.

"Lisa almost got into serious trouble last night. Maybe you should stop it." She said to Bambam, the mastermind of this thing they call show.

Mina, Rosé, Jihyo and Bambam are at the dining area discussing about Bambam's plan.

That guy really gets his weird idea from Jackson. Someone should really let the two stay away from each other.

"Don't be such a killjoy, Chae. Pokpak is old enough and besides, we would not let anything bad happen to her. The least she could do that might cause us trouble is if she's gonna call Bang PD, but then again, everything's gonna be okay since it is just a prank." Bambam confidently said to ease the paranoid Rosé.

"It's cool for you to say those things since you are not gonna be the one hearing my unnies' lecture if they find out about this." Rosé worriedly commented.

"Rosie is right, Bam. We should not risk it. You know how Lisa is." Mina added.

"Guys look, we are gonna be there. I'll say it a million times, we are not gonna let anything bad happen to anyone, okay? Got it? And besides, it is revenge time!" Bambam said as he recalled how Lisa pranked her the last time they had this outing.

"God, it was a year ago. Could you just please move on?" Rosé said with anger in her voice.

"Not a chance, chimpmunk. She made me run around the house with my underwear." Mina giggled as she remembered the scene.

Lisa woke Bambam up and told him that they needed to go out of the house because it was on fire. And Bambam being not in his right state of mind since he just woke up, believed Lisa and immediately ran outside with only his iron man boxers on.

It was one of their most memomarable moments as friends. Imagine seeing the cool rapper Bambam run for his life in his boxers. Just what a sight to see.

"But shouldn't we atleast tell the others?" Mina asked Bambam who is just so chill and is smiling from ear to ear, thinking about how a genius he is for plotting the prank.

"Nope. Those guys are so loud so Lisa might know before I execute the plan and Yeri will definitely throw a fit if she finds out." Jihyo nodded. Well actually, Jihyo and Bambam planned this ahead of time. They even planned how Lisa would have to go alone to get the bottles of soju and telling Jungkook to help her, well except the part where Lisa injured herself and fainted.

They thought it would be better to establish a connection first before the actual show.

Rosé still thinks that what Bambam is planning is a bad idea. I mean, sure she wants to have some fun, but not like this kind of fun, especially when Lisa is involved.

I am going to tell Lisa, she thought to herself.

Rosé immediately went outside and looked for her friend. Rosé texted Lisa and immediately got a reply saying that the latter was just strolling by the beach to get some fresh air.

Lisa likes the beach so much. Everytime she would go home to Thailand for a vacation, she would always bring her family to Phuket. She just loves the peacefulness  and calmness of the sea, since her job offers the opposite.

"Where could Lali be?" Rosé said as she examined the beach. The resort is not that big, but Rosé hopes that she'll find her best friend first before Bambam does.

"Why did I even agree to prank Lisa in the first place? She is very selfless and clueless, I am sure she's gonna fall for it!" Rosé worriedly said to herself.

"I am legit sure Jennie unnie will turn me bald if I let something happen to our maknae." Rosé was just blabbering her concerns as she strolled and looked for Lisa. She tried calling her but she just won't pick up.

"Hey, Eun Woo!" Rosé ran towards Cha Eun Woo who was checking the sand castle he built last night.

"Oh, Rosie. You looked sick, are you okay?" Eun Woo asked the panicking Rosé. The girl is so worried she might actually faint.

"Huh? Ah, no. I'm looking for Lisa, did you perhaps see her?" Rosé asked Eun Woo with worry evident on her voice.

Eun Woo paused for a second and then recalled that indeed she saw Lisa with DK strolling by the beach.

"They were just walking and talking but Bambam called them." Rosé knew she was too late. Bambam might have done his prank already.

She immediately ran back to the house hoping that Mina, Bambam and Jihyo are still inside. She would really go crazy if something would happen to her bestest friend.

As she was running her way to the house, she immediately saw Bambam and Mina standing together with unreadable expressions on their faces. Bambam was holding a camera while Mina was completely frozen.

Jihyo, on the other hand, stood in shock together with the others.

She saw Lisa drenched in seawater, Jungkook who is soaked as well and Yeri who is about to throw a fit.

Just what exactly happened here?

Cha Eun Woo appeared behind her and asked the same question. But instead of answering him, she ran to the scene, because she herself, does not know the answer.

As she got closer, she noticed that Lisa is close to shedding a tear.

"Yaaaah! What did you guys do to her?" Rosé said as she got close to Lisa, wrapping her arms around her.

"Are you okay, Lali?" Rosé worriedly asked her friend.

"I told you to not do that prank!!" Rosé angrily said at the stunned Bambam.

"Chaengga, you knew?" Lisa said with a painful tone. Rosé looked at her friend and saw tears escaping from her eyes.

"Lali, I am so sorry. But I tried to tell you, I guess I was too late." She explained sobbing.

"Pokpak, I am sorry. We did not me--.."

"What exactly is your problem, Bam?" Lisa shouted at her childhood friend.

She was so angry, and felt so humiliated.

"I..Lali, please..." Bambam pleaded. He tried to approach Lisa but the girl just stepped back.

"Did you get the 'fun' that you wanted? Huh?" No one, not even Chae, got to see Lisa being this angry.

She was always smiling and is very pleasant to everyone. Despite her being tired, Lisa never threw a fit. Nobody was expecting this side of her.

"It was just a prank." Jihyo said, backing up Bambam. Why can't they just apologize without making excuses?

"If you were on my shoes, would you be happy then?" Lisa asked Jihyo who in return, bowed her head. She felt sorry for what she did, she just couldn't say it. She realized how stupid she is for agreeing to Bambam's plan. She should take full responsibility for this.

"Just what the hell happened?" Eun Woo said and everyone stayed silent.

Everyone, except Yeri.


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