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When everyone chose to just keep quiet, Yeri did otherwise.

As soon as she heard Cha Eun Woo's question about what happened, she opened her mouth, worsening the situation.

That girl can be very insensitive at times.

"Well, Lisa got hysterical, looked for Kook like hell and then when she found him, she jumped right into his arms. With that, I think that your Lali here, likes my Kookoo." She said with disgust in her tone.

Rosé and Eun Woo stared at each other, processing the news they just knew.

Lisa just kept quiet and refused to meet anyone's eyes. She wanted to run and go back home but she just can't move. She can't even manage to blink her eyes. She tried to register everything in her head and there is one thing she knew for sure, her life is completely fucked up.

"What's the big deal of liking JK? Are you saying that you like him too? Because, truth to be told, as what we have seen, you always cling to him like your life depended on his arms." Everyone's attention turned to the person speaking. It's Yeri's turn to be shocked and stunned at the person's statement. A tea is spilled.

"How dare you talk to me like that?" Yeri said with rage in her voice. Jungkook held her back as if giving her a signal to just stop. Everything is a mess, they don't need more drama.

"No, how dare you talk about Lisa like that? If Lisa really likes Jungkook, then what? As if she caused trouble just because she likes Kook. I can't even recall a time where Lisa took advantage of any situation just to have a time with JK. Did Lisa do something to make you feel uncomfortable, Kook?" Rosé directed her question to the dumbfounded Jungkook.

Lisa will defend her if she was in her place, so today, she will do her best to make Lisa feel better. After all, she was part of this scheme. She knew she hurt Lisa, and she feels really really bad about it.

Jungkook shook his head declaring that indeed, Lisa never bothered him or did anything to make him feel uncomfortable.

"See? Lisa did not even bother to tell me, or my members, or anyone that she likes someone. And if she really do like Jungkook, she wanted to be lowkey about it because she knew what it would cause her if she'd tell us or anyone for that matter. She knew that as soon as someone will find out, she will be judged, and she was right, right? Look at you guys acting like Lisa did a crime when in fact, all she did was to feel concerned about Jungkook's welfare." Rosé explained as she hugged Lisa, resting her arm on her head and patting it. She partially intended to shade Yeri who for the fact, really causes Jungkook to be uncomfortable. Like who clings to someone like a fuckin' sticky note.

Lisa sobbed silently, still very ashamed of the turn of events. She thought this vacation would give her a breather, but it suffocated her to the bone.

"And you," Rosé turned to face Kim Yeri. "Kook's not yours, so stop acting up, got it?" She immediately brought Lisa out of the situation after she dropped the bomb to Yeri.

Yeri surely got into Rosé's nerves. She was even regretting being nice to Yeri before. Why did SM even decided to add her to Red Velvet's group, they were cooler with only the four of them.

So now, she is just worried about what will happen to Blackpink and Red Velvet's relationship. Both groups are so close with one another, and maybe today's event may change that. But who cares? Yeri started it first, she was just defending her best friend. And she's sure that Jennie and Jisoo will be on her side.

The ride back home was pretty quiet. Lisa slept the whole time. Rosé just watched over her friend while Bambam, Jihyo and Mina are planning for ways to make up to the maknae. They never expected that to happen. They never imagined Lisa would take the prank seriously. Bambam thought that Lisa will just go crazy and call their managers, his hyungs or Bang Pd himself, I mean if that happened, it would be very funny.

Yeri, being the brat that she is, flew ahead of them, because quote and quote "this vacay sucks, as well as the people in here" and she even asked Jungkook to go with her, but since JK is the host of this awful vacation, he decided to stay and go together with the others.

Eun Woo and DK are just amazed by the turn of events in this vacation. They talked about it the whole entire flight. Mingyu, with Minghao, Jaehyun and Yugyeom crowded at Jungkook, extracting teas from him, since they were not there when the event happened, they chose to get drunk and missed the drama.

"Dude, Lisa's a catch." Mingyu jokingly said to Jungkook. The maknae just sighed, choosing not to give any comments.

"I never imagined our Royal Maknae would even like someone. Like, she is one of the boys. Just look at how she and Bambam are. Lisa is even stronger than Bhuwakul." Yugyeom inserted that earned nods from the others, except the Golden Maknae himself.

"So how does it feel, Kook?" Minghao asked Jungkook.

"Although Lisa may be unpredictable at times, and does weird things, she is a stunner. I even had a crush on her when they debuted, she is my bias." Minghao shared. Jungkook looked at him as if examining his friend.

Minghao, also known as Seventeen's The8, likes cute and kind girls, Lisa really fits his taste. Also, Minghao loves dancing that he was even chosen as a dance mentor on Idol Producer, and we cannot deny the fact that our Royal Maknae is a dance machine and she was also picked to be a dance mentor at the same show.

"Chill bro, don't look at me like that. I used to have a crush on her, used, like you know, USE with a D, it means from the past. I used to like her in the past, but she is my dongsaeng now, so nope, gonna look for someone else." His statement earned a nod from Jungkook that led the boys to be curious.

What was that reaction for? Does he like Lisa too?

"So tell us Jungkook, do you like her too? Well if you do, just get together. I know a lot of boys that likes that Pokpak. They even told me to put their numbers on her sandwhich but since Bambam is very protective of his childhood friend, no number ever got to her." Yugyeom said.

"Bambam can sure tease Lisa a lot, and  he even caused this chaos, but he sure loves the girl and treats her like his sister." Jaehyun added.

"And since you and Bambam are friends, maybe your number can pass." Mingyu jokingly teased Jungkook, but the Golden Maknae was still quiet.

"Or not, since Lisa got his number already." Minghao inserted that earned a laugh from his friends, except JK.

"But kidding aside bro, do you like her too?" Mingyu intently asked Jungkook.

JK stared at them for a while and then looked back at the plane's window and answered, "I like someone else."


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