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Jungkook's gonna take his revenge three days from now. The dude is pissed, it's all a prank, huh?

Ever since Lisa received Bambam's text, she tried contacting Bambam but he is on a tour right now. Jungkook is a gentleman. He wouldn't do anything bad to Lisa, right?


"Your 3 days is up, doll."

The call ended and all four girls were left in awe of what just happened

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The call ended and all four girls were left in awe of what just happened.

Jennie snapped back to reality first and shook Lisa's shoulder.

"Oh my god, Lisa! What was that?" Jennie's voice got two octaves higher from her normal one, indicating how excited she was. Her chinky eyes turned so wide, you can see its veins.

"You flirt!" Jennie added that made Rosé and Jisoo squeal as well. Their faces were red from all the squealing they did.

"So you have call names now? Doll? What do you call him then? Bunny? For his infamous bunny smile?" Jisoo said and slapped Lisa's thigh while clutching her stomach to prevent herself from laughing. The eldest's face is so red, she even has tears in her eyes for laughing too much. Lisa just shrugged and gave her unnie an eye roll.

She then turned to Jennie and Rosé with bulging eyes, as if she is not believing what just happened.

"I'm not dreaming, right? You heard it too?" Lisa said as if processing everything that just happened. The Jeon Jungkook called her. And not just that, he also called her by the name given to her by her fans, doll.

As if on cue, the girls jumped and held each others hands. The four of them forming a circle and just laughing. They seemed like highschool girls being giddy about their friend's lovelife.

"You are gonna have a boyfriend, Limario! Oh my god!" Rosé couldn't stop her excitement for their youngest member. She is genuinely happy for Lisa. "But always remember, not to give everything. Always guard that." Jisoo said pointing at Lisa's chest where her heart is located. "Always choose yourself." She added as she patted the youngest's head.

"Guys, relax. Bammie told me Jungkook's gonna take his revenge, was that it?" The girls decided to lay on Lisa's bed, exhausted from their jumping and screaming just a few moments ago.

"Not to pop the bubble, but is he perhaps getting back at you? Like pretending he has an interest in you, well in fact, he does not?" Everyone looked at Jennie. Jisoo nodded as if agreeing to what her naked buddy was saying.

Lisa's overflowing energy just drained out off of her body. Her jolly and twinkling eyes, lost its shine.

Maybe her Jennie unnie's right. She shouldn't let her hopes up.

Jeon Jungkook liking me? Nah, he deserves better. He deserves someone..someone like him..someone that is part of his world.

Lisa's doubts on herself came rushing in again. All her positive vibes were replaced by the cruel reality of life: You can't always get what you want.

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