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"What's been bothering you?" Jungkook and Jimin are in their practice room rehearsing for the end of the year performance at the award shows. Both of them, including Hoseok and Taehyung are having new sets of individual dances that they need to work on.

Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin are with Bang PD preparing for their stage sets.

"Hm?" Jungkook responded, obviously not paying attention to his hyung.

Jimin looked at their maknae and just observed him. He has been spacing out and is out of focus for a week already. He does not go to his boxing classes, nor does he play with his computer games. His hyungs have been worried, but chose not to interfere yet since JK has always been professional when they have stages, he acts normal and bubbly on stage, but after every stage, he spaces out again and stares at nothing for hours.

"Aw, hyung?! What was that for?" Jimin have had enough of it. Oh, it feels good to punch the maknae.

"Are you even here, JK? I have been talking to you for the past 10 minutes and I get no response. So let me ask you, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jungkook's eyes were tired. It seems like the stress of his work is catching up on him.

He's not been sleeping well right after their vacation. There were lots of questions on his head. Lisa has not been active on their group chat and Chae just kept on saying that Lisa is working and has been editing for her youtube channel. Jungkook finds it hard to believe, because even during their promo period, Lisa was active and would always greet them good morning, have you eaten, what are you guys doing and good night messages.

These past days have been just so weird. Even Bambam is not in his usual self, Jungkook can tell.

"I am just tired, hyung." He said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He really is tired, like mentally tired.

"Are you sure? We have been worried about you. It's been a week now, maknae. You are acting off for a week now." Jungkook heaved out a sigh and stood up, trying to avoid Jimin's question.

He does not want to be such a problem to his hyungs, and it is his fault for getting affected. It's not like he does not like Lisa, he just feels, different.

"I'm just gonna grab some snacks, I'm hungry." He said as he ran off outside the building.

He immediately dialed Bambam's number.

The two agreed to meet at Bambam's apartment later that night

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The two agreed to meet at Bambam's apartment later that night.

As Jungkook arrived, he messaged Bambam telling him that he is on his way to his floor unit.

He did not receive any response but went anyway.

As Jungkook got nearer, he noticed someone outside Bambam's apartment door.

He knows that physique.

That flowy brown hair, tiny waist and long legs.

As that person turned to him, they both looked at each other with wide eyes.

Just what a timing.

Jungkook acted cool and continued walking his way to his friend's apartment, and slighlty bowed to Lisa as he reached Bambam's door.

"Hi." He greeted with a smile flustered on his face.

Lisa mumbled something but her voice was too soft, he couldn't hear it.

"You were saying?" Jungkook asked the shy Lisa who did nothing but bow and look at the tiled floor.

She is not yet ready to face Jungkook. Although one week has passed, she still felt very very ashamed of her sudden confession.

"Huh? Ah..nothing." she quickly responded.

Silence enveloped the two of them. Lisa swore she can hear Jungkook's adam's apple moving up and down as he gulped. She stole a glance at Jungkook and noticed how tired he looked.

Lisa quickly averted her gaze when Jungkook caught her staring.

Stupid Limario! She mumbled to herself.

"Do you know the code?" Jungkook broke the silence and talked to Lisa. He is really not fond of being in an awkward situation so he tried his best to ease the awkwardness.

He mentally noted to kick Bambam's ass for not complying to their agreement earlier. He told him he was gonna chill at his place, but where the hell is he?

Is Bambam perhaps setting them up again?

"Yeah, but I think he is not around. I think I should go and just come back tomorrow." Lisa said as she made her way out of Jungkook's side. But the maknae's reflexes were fast that he got a hold of Lisa's arm.

"Ahh...ju-..wait.." Jungkook mentally noted to punch himself later. He held Lisa but he really does not have anything to say, or do. He is just a mess.

What the hell am I doing? He said to himself as he thought of things he could actually say to justify his act.

"Ahh..could you..like maybe..open his apartment for me?" Jungkook said as he finally thought of an alibi.

Lisa knows Bambam's code since Lisa's parents, whenever they come here to Korea, often stays at Bambam's apartment. Her friend's apartment is huge and since he does not stay in it most of the time, he offered to let Lisa's or anyone related to the both of them, occupy his flat.

Lisa does not have enough money to actually get a unit for herself. She often crashes to Jisoo's place whenever they have free time and are not required to stay at their dorms.

But Lisa does not take advantage of knowing Bambam's code since she finds it disrespectul, that was why she waited outside. Bambam said he was just in his apartment when they texted a while ago.

Lisa was actually planning to accept Bambam's apology and wanted to talk to him in person so she can smack him in the face. Mina, Jihyo and Lisa had talked over at lunch earlier. The girls said their apologies to each other, and now they're good.

But Lisa planned to wait a little more longer to finally talk to Jungkook, but of course, things never go the way they were planned.

"Ahh, sure." Lisa said as she moved in front of Bambam's door. Jungkook immediately removed his grip from Lisa's arm as the latter made her way.

Lisa pressed the code and looked at Jungkook who is as well staring at her. She could easily lose herself just by having an eye contact with him.

His impact to the royal maknae is just too strong for her to handle. She is even surprised how she handled her feelings so well that no one noticed, until she made a fool of herself a week ago.

"You can go inside now." She said as she moved and made a space so that Jungkook can enter. But the maknae malfunctioned again and swore he is really going to rip off his mouth for saying such a stupid thing.

"What?" Lisa confusingly asked Jungkook. The maknae just asked her to wait for Bambam together, inside their friend's apartment. Lisa knew that would be pretty weird, being stuck inside a room with the person you like is a pretty bad idea.

She had watched a lot of movies with scenes like this, and a lot of scenarios lingered in her mind. And knowing how Jungkook affected her...it is just a no-no.

"It's okay..if you don't want...I just like..argh, nevermind. You can go." Jungkook said as he pointed the way to the elevator.

Lisa inhaled deeply as she is about to make the biggest decision in her life.

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