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Jungkook and Bambam are squatting on the floor, a can of beer in their hands. The two are sitting beside each other, their backs resting on the lower portion of Bambam's couch, with a bag of chips and lots of snacks between them.

"Your hyungs will surely kill me, Jeon. Stop drinking!" Bambam reprimanded his friend, although he himself can't even stop drinking too.

It has been so long since the two shared this kind of moment. They were always surrounded by their friends, and all they do is make fun of each other, not like this, where they just sit and talk man to man.

"Did you just come here to drink? I just went grocery shopping dude, and you almost finished everything in my refrigerator, just what the hell is wrong, Jeon?" The Thai idol said as he stopped Jungkook from getting a sip of his apple flavored beer.

"I..fuck it Bam.." Bambam took Jungkook's can of beer and placed it away from the maknae and he did the same with his.

Both idols have schedules tomorrow so they should not drink too much. But Jungkook here, is dead ass drunk. Bambam needs to call his manager at this stage, and for sure, he is gonna get an earful from the maknae's six hyungs. 

Why does this brat even came to Bambam when he has six other hyungs to talk to?

"Okay let me fuck it, Jeon. Tell me what is it and I am gonna fuck it hard. C'mon dude." This guy surely has a way with words. But nonetheless, he is helping our maknae, so let us just act like Bambam is a normal person having a normal conversation with another normal person.

"Nope..you.." Jeon is for sure drunk. His eyes are almost shutting, and his words are just slurs.

"Yeah? Nope? Me? Why me?" Bambam confusingly asked. He is trying to get some tea from Jungkook but the golden maknae is not cooperating. He is really making a huge effort to understand the drunk Jungkook.

"You..why did you..why Lisa?"

Me? Lisa? Bambam pointed a finger at himself and found his action funny that he laughed his ass off.

When Bambam's tipsy, he gets weirder than usual. Alcohol lets people do things they are not supposed to, say things they don't really mean, do actions that would soon be an object of regret after they become sober.

Bambam composed himself and started to talk to the drunk visitor in front of him, but still found himself letting a laugh.

"I'm Bambam, but yes, Lisa? What about her?"

"I don't know, Bam." This time, Jungkook became a little sober and is starting to talk properly, managing to say a complete sentence without stuttering.

"I can't like her back." The maknae added with sadness in his voice. He looked at his hands and played with them.

"You can't what?" Bambam scooted closer to Jungkook, forcing the latter to face him. 

Is this what's been bothering Jungkook? The fact that some girl likes him, but he doesn't feel the same way?

"I can't return her feelings for me, and I feel like crap because of it."

"Dude, don't give me this bullshit." Bambam said as he held Jungkook's shoulder steadying him so that they can be face to face. "You can't like her? Or you don't like her? Dude, construct your sentences well, there is a huge difference between the two." Bambam said as he tried shaking Jungkook, hoping to wake him up and make him realize how lucky he is to be liked by the one and only, Lalisa Manoban.

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