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"CHONGAH, CHONGAAAAHHHH!" Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs as she entered Rosé's room. The girl was busy sharpening her pencils because she is planning to draw her pet fish again. She is just so obsessed with Jowanghie.

"God, Lali! Are you really planning on destroying my eardrums?" Chaeyoung said as she pulled a paper from the stack. Chae loves to draw, whenever she is bored, she either plays with her piano, eat or draw. It relaxes her. It is her escape in the noisy and busy ambiance of her work. 

"Chaeyounggaaaaah!" The youngest flopped dow Rosé's bed, crashing her face on the soft mattress.

"What did you do this time?" Whenever she acts like that, Rosé knows there is some shit going on in her life again. And as a good friend, she is more than willing to listen to that shit and help her solve that shit.

"I really really fucked up, Chae. I am telling you, I hate myself for what I've done. Just fuck!"

"Words, Lili." The older said, reprimanding Lisa for saying fuck too much. But the younger just kept her face burried on the bed and wiggled her entire body, showing how frustrated she was.

"You need to help me, Chae." Lisa stood up, getting Chaeyoung's attention. The latter faced their maknae and swiveled her chair closer to her bed.

"Lali, what exactly did you do?" The blonde girl asked. Chae sure is nervous. What did her friend do this time? What mess is she getting into? The last time this happened, Jennie and Jisoo unnie almost lost their shit because Lisa here, left the door of their dorm open, causing their pets to roam around their dorm building. Lisa was left alone in their dorm for she can't go back to Thailand for Christmas because they have an award show on the 25th. Her parents decided to go to Korea instead but will arrive the following day and her other members are out with their parents, celebrating Christmas eve, so Lisa was video calling all three of them and telling them what is happening and they immediately went back to their dorm on the 24th of December, looking for their pets.

"Well, you see..." Lisa explained to Chae thoroughly her dilemma as she weighed Jennie and Jisoo's perspective of the crazy little thing called love. And she came up with an idea to just drop everything and treat it as a joke. She told Bambam that Chae reported to her what he was up to, and then they came up with an idea to prank the whole squad instead. 

Lisa told Bambam earlier on the phone that it took her longer than expected to announce that it was just a prank because she found it difficult to admit it right away. She said to him that she brainstormed first with her members on how to lay it out to everyone, because that prank caused a little bit of a chaos and quote and quote she was so guilty about doing it. That was why it took her a week to come up with ways to make everything more believable. She also added that he was the only person who knew the whole 'truth', for the time being, except for Chae.

With jaws dropped, Chae shook her head from left to right, not believing the maknae's words.

"And you seriously think that Bambam believed that? Really Lisa?" Chae was ready to give Lisa a beating, but she's just too kind to even lay a finger on a fly.

"'That's good to hear.' Bambam's exact words. So maybe, he believed me right?" 

"Really? He said that?" Chae asked with utmost curiosity. 

Lisa just nodded that earned a nod from Chaeyoung as well. But it was quickly followed by a question that Lisa found hard to answer.

"So what are you gonna do about Jeon Jungkook, then? You made him look like a fool Lisa. Tell me, what good of an explanation would you give Jeon for making him the subject of your prank? Feelings shouldn't be played like that, Lali." 

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