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This may include a sensitive topic..but I want all of you to know that this is FICTION..

I created this for the story, nothing more. I have nothing against anyone.

I hope to not get any violent reaction.

Thanks guys! Enjoy!!

"What's with the knitted eyebrow, Limario?" The girls are on their way to their company

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"What's with the knitted eyebrow, Limario?" The girls are on their way to their company. They have been summoned by YG sajangnim himself. Actually, all artists are being asked to go.

Jisoo and Lisa sat together at the back, Jennie is in the front, for she needed some private time because she is too drained, she just arrived from her Chanel gig. And Rosé is at their company's building already, she went their ahead because she's preparing for her solo.

"People be spamming my insta again..and there is this weird account, I get the same notification from it liking my old posts and commenting lots of things..such a creep.." Lisa said as she scrolled through the account's comments.

Your eyes are so beautiful..I could stare at them all day...

As she read the comment, a small smile escaped her lips.

She remembered how Jungkook said that too.

Do I really have beautiful eyes? She asked herself, but decided to just shrug it off. It's time to stop doubtung every single praise she receives.

"Oh so now you are smiling. You are the creep one Lisa-ya." Jisoo said as she continued playing on her phone. Jisoo and her games, truly a couple.

As they arrived in their company's building, they were immediately greeted by all the staff and other YG artists. The pinks automatically walked over and bowed to their Dara sunbaenim and then to GD, TOP, Taeyang and Daesung. It has been long since they saw their Bigbang sunbaenims.

Their sunbaes bowed back at them and together walked through YG's infamous office at the 7th floor.

YG's office is the biggest room there is. It almost occupied half of the 7th floor. He just likes space, and since every year, he calls for all artists' meeting, he decided it is best to make his office so spacious to fit everyone in.

"Good morning, Sajangnim." Dara was the one who greeted and the others bowed, acknowledging the most respected person in front of them.

IKON, and WINNER are already inside occupying the center of the office. AKMU is standing on the left side. The young boys of TREASURE are on the other side, bowing 90 degrees for Blackpink, Bigbang and Dara. Other artists were making way for Bigbang, Blackpink and Dara to position themselves at the center and join IKON and WINNER.

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