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"Are you incapable of singing now, Jeon Jungkook?" Suga asked the maknae, who in returned just gave a scowl.

"What's wrong with you?!" Suga asked after receiving the scowl from their youngest.

"You have been acting all bratty, what's the problem this time?" Namjoon asked more concerned than pissed.

"Hyung..We uhmm..wanted to say something." Tae was the one who spoke since he knows that the moment Jungkook will open his mouth, it would probably lead to another war.

"What is it then?" Jin asked. Being the oldest one and the most experienced at caring for his members, he somehow has a clue on what is going on. And he knows it will end into a long discussion again. He just hopes the result will not be the same.

"Have you heard the news yesterday? A lot of idols were talking about it." Tae opened the topic. He wanted to set things slowly. Maybe make his hyungs feel guilty, after all, the pinks were all good to them before that stupid recorder came in the picture.

"What news?" Hoseok asked. 

"Uhm..Lisa went missing." The boys all turned to Kook upon hearing the news. Maybe a good five second of silence enveloped the whole studio.

"Is she found now?" Hoseok was the first one to recover. Of course, he has a soft spot for Lisa. He enjoyed dancing and talking with her.

"She is." It was Jungkook who spoke. Suga then laughed that earned a glare from the youngest.

"So what is it that's making you act like a brat? Your little Lisa has been found, end of story." Suga said making Jungkook furious.

"She went missing and Bambam found her all alone crying and a mess. She injured her leg and it was because of us! We did this to her! The pinks tried reaching out to us, but why are we ignoring them like we did not become friends?" Jungkook wanted to say how annoyed he is that he's not the one taking care of Lisa right now.

He promised to really give Bambam a good pinch in the cheeks the next time they'd see each other. A really really good one to show how thankful he is and how jealous he is at the same time.

"Friends? You really thought they are our friends?" Suga laughingly questioned Jungkook.

"Haven't you heard the recorder, Kook? Have you forgotten?" Suga added. The others just looked at Suga and Jungkook exchanged their words. Butting in would just make everything worse.

"Yes, they were our friends! Chaeyoung taught you guys to speak the English language well. Jisoo noona played games with all of you the whole day and Jennie noona helped you make a song, Yoongi hyung! And Lisa, she made all of you laugh and taught some of you how to dance so that Hobi hyung wouldn't have all the burden to himself. They cooked for us, and listened to our problems! If they really are what we heard in that recorder, they would not help us be better hyungs, but they did! And what are we doing? Ignoring them?" Suga stayed quiet upon hearing their maknae.

"Jungkook's right. We should give them a chance just like how the our ARMYs gave us a chance back then when no one in the industry believed in us and shove us in the sidelines. We should not let anyone feel what we felt back then." Jimin said, trying to convince their leader to change his mind.

"And let us not forget that Yeri was the one who sent us that recorder, and even if she did not admit it, we know that she was also behind Jungkook's dating scandal." Tae added. 

"So now, the maknae line are going against their hyungs just because of some girls?" Jin seriously asked.

"Hyung, they are not just some girls okay? They are the pinks and they are our friends!" Jimin answered that earned a good laugh from his Jin hyung.

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