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Jungkook was almost in tears but stopped himself from crying when he saw that his hyungs  already came back already from the Pinks' dorm.

"You okay there, Kook?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked at his hyungs intently. The six of them embodied such positive vibes.

Does that mean the talk went well then? He thought to himself. 

"Lisa was looking for you." Jimin informed their maknae. Although they don't really know what made Jungkook act so problematic, they already have a hint. 

"Yeah? She was?" Jungkook answered, his tone coated with bitterness. 

"Uhh..yes? Because she probably likes to talk to you?" Suga said while rolling his eyes. This man is really full of sass and has been wanting to fight Jungkook since like 3 hours ago.

"Well, okay. I promise to talk to her..maybe later." Jungkook responded that earned a loud groan from Taehyung.

"You wanted this so bad, and now here you are. You can talk to her now, Kook." Tae said. He saw how much Jungkook wanted to talk to the Pinks. It was his idea, and now, here he is -- acting like a total jerk.

"I am not feeling well, hyung. Believe me, I want to talk to Lisa, I've always wanted to talk to her..It's just, today's not the day. Please understand that." Jungkook received a collective sigh from his hyungs. The six of them decided to just let Jungkook be. What's important is that they have already patched everything with blackpink and is off to another inside mission about their CEO's plans. 

"Limario! Yaaaaa!" Lisa woke up from her not so peaceful sleep

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"Limario! Yaaaaa!" Lisa woke up from her not so peaceful sleep.

She groaned out of her bed and looked at the time.

"God, I haven't even slept for an hour!" Lisa woke up and went straight to her bedroom door.

"Unnie? What?" She groaned and looked at her Jennie unnie, who is already in her working out clothes.

"I was busy working out when Hoony sunbae kept ringing the damn doorbell. He's in the living room, waiting for your lovely ass!" Lisa mentally recalled what happened yesterday. Her eyes grew bigger and bigger and panic rose within her.

"Oh crap! Oh crap unnie!" She immediately closed the door and went back to her room, changing into her somewhat formal clothes. 

"Shit! I have to shower but..urghhh..crap!" Lisa muttered a lot of not so scandalous curses. 

She lacks a huge amount of sleep thinking of Jeon Jungkook and she completely forgot her agreement with Hoony.

"I have to make sure I should add this in my STUPID AND UNLUCKY LIFE list!" She scrambled her way into the living room and saw Chaeyoung talking with Hoony. 

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