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"Yaaa, guys really did not do it, right?" Chaeyoung decided to spend the night at Lisa's room. The two have been wanting to watch  a movie together on Netflix but both got into a fight just recently that they ended up postponing their little movie date. They are both sitting on the floor of Lisa's room, facing the television screen with a bag of chips and cans of soda on their sides.

"What the! Of course we did not do it!" Lisa said. She was shocked at Chae's sudden comment. It is so not Rosé's style to ask that kind of questions, being the church girl that she is.

" really just talked and slept?" The blonde is being so curious that Lisa found her weird for acting that way. 

"Is there something that's bothering you?" The youngest asked. Chae was never the curious type. She doesn't like gossiping about others nor prying to anyone's business. This sudden change of behavior alarmed the royal maknae.

"Huh? just wanted to make sure I wouldn't become an actual aunt." Of course, Lisa is a cat mom and the other members are cat aunts. The same goes with Jennie and Jisoo being dog moms and Chaeyoung being a fish mom. The latter really is weird for training her gold fish like how people train dogs. It even knows how to hi-five. That fish is really one of a kind.

"Oh my gosh! Why are you even thinking of that? Besides, we are provided with pills even though we are banned from dating..remember?" Lisa said. YG offered them pills just to make sure that no accident may happen. Of course, YG can't see every move of his artists. He is handling over a hundred people and he can never know how many of those are in a secret relationship. 

"Yeah, right. But we don't take those, Lisa." 

"Yeah, I don't. That's why I am telling you with all honesty that Jungkook and I did not do it. I would not risk it." Lisa answered. Although pills are provided, it is still their decision whether to take it or not. YG clearly emphasized that he trusts his artists so he is not forcing them to take it. He just gave them an option, so that they could maybe..have fun and still be safe. And when they'd screw up, the blame would be entirely theirs.

They know that Jisoo and Jennie are taking theirs because firstly, they have been in a relationship. And we can not deny the fact that things between a man and a woman can be very heated at times. It is always better to be safe. And taking pills is not new to their industry. Almost every idol out there are taking one. Because believe it or not, dating bans are just a front. Everyone's been dating..well secretly dating. "But I am thinking of taking it." Lisa truthfully answered.

That was also the reason why Lisa kinda stopped their little romance. She almost gave in and probably made a mistake. Thank god Jungkook is a gentleman.

"So you are thinking of doing it?" Rosé shockingly asked the younger one. Lisa, on the other hand, just offered a shy smile and did a nod as a representation of saying 'yes'.

"Oh my gosh! Lisa, you can't be serious!" The blonde grew hysterical at Lisa's confession. She can't be the only one to die a virgin. 

"Calm yourself, Chae. I am not going to do it anytime soon. I just wanted to be extra careful in case things would get out of hand. May I remind you, Jungkook's a bunny, and bunnies can be hor--.."

"Oh god! Don't even say that word! Lisa-yaaa, we had a pact right? Remember?" Rosé is very determined to let Lisa fulfill the pact they made years ago, back when they were still trainees.

The two are closest with each other because of their age and the fact that they both came from another country. They shared everything and made promises with each other. Apparently they made a silly pact and now Rosé is bringing it up.

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