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Lisa, limping, went out the studio. She does not know where to go, but she just needs some time alone. Crushing someone for 4 years and then having the chance to be with that person  just for life to take the person away again is really mean. Life is really mean. 

"Lalisa?" Lisa is in front of her childhood friend, Bambam. The latter's face depicts shock and concern.

"I figured I'd find you here. Your unnies are worried about you." Without knowing, Lisa's feet brought her to the 97 liners' secret hideout.  

"What are you doing here? The last time I checked, you are not a police officer and has no plan on helping me resolve my case." Lisa said bitterly as she remembered how his most trusted friend, aside from the pinks, turned his back at her.

"C'mon, Lalice. I was just busy that time and people are giving me tons of problems to solve. My members, my family back at Thailand, Jeon Jungkook, and you. I'm sorry, okay? I did not mean it. You are like a sister to me, I will always be here for you. I'm sorry, I just thought it was one of your childish fights with Kook. I'm sorry I did not listen, but I am here now. So, what's wrong, Pokpak?" Ever since then, Bambam was always there for her. Aside from her members, she finds comfort talking to Bambam, her bestest friend.

"I just..I just wanted to be alone, that's all. My members, the staff, the people on that building, they are too much for me, Bam. It's too much." Bambam looked at Lisa with worried eyes.

He had known Lisa to be a brave girl. She beat 3,999 people and went to Korea at the age of 14. Although she constantly received racist comments and was always discriminated because of her nationality, she never broke down this much. 

"You can talk to me. I'll listen, Lalice." Even if Bambam is always a pain in the ass, Lisa cannot deny the fact that her childhood friend is a very good listener. He may say something ridiculous, but he always has a point. Always.

"Is this still about, Jeon Jungkook?" Bambam asked with utmost curiosity. He and Jungkook have been busy that they do not communicate as often as before. Almost of their 97 liner friends are so busy with their own work that the only chance that they could talk is at the backstage of the music shows.

"Well..My members and I, we admit we did something terribly wrong to Jungkook and his hyungs. But our intentions were pure. Jennie unnie started using Suga oppa, but she stopped even before she really started. We want them to listen to us, Bam. We need them to listen to us. We are not bad people. We were just hurt because of what happened to our company, but we mean no harm." Lisa explained. 

Bambam crouched near Lisa and let his friend cry on his shoulders. He caressed her hair, the thing he always do every time Lisa is feeling down. They have been friends for more than a decade and they have treated each other as siblings. They just genuinely love and care for each other, especially that in this industry, it is them who can fully understand each other.

"It will eventually be okay, Pokpak. Please don't stress yourself this much. You even hurt your leg." Bambam looked at the doe eyes of Lisa, and wiped her tears away. 

"You are older than me and yet I am always the one caring for you." Bambam reprimanded, that made Lisa smile, a real smile.

"Yah! It's just for a couple of months! You are acting like I am older than you for a how many years!" Bambam laughed at Lisa's reaction and messed with her hair.

"That is the Lisa I know, feisty and loud." Lisa laughed at Bambam's comment. He really knows how to make Lisa smile, that is how a brother should act.

"But seriously, Lalice. The time will come when Jungkook and his members will be ready to hear your side. Let us not just force things, okay? It will just hurt you and your unnies. And besides, if your Kookie boy likes you for real, he'll eventually listen to you, okay?" Lisa nodded but she wanted so much to ask something. 

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