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Lisa's been quite stubborn lately. She might think Jungkook is a bad influence on her.

Well, she always listens to her unnies and her manager but right now, she is with Jeon Jungkook, the least person her unnies, especially Jennie, wanted to see her with and of course, she sneaked out her dormitory because she can't afford to ask permission from her manager because he will follow her like a mad dog.

The two maknaes are in a nearby park. Jungkook arrived at prolly 2AM in the morning and went directly to meet Lisa. He has no time to waste for he is gonna fly back to the States later. And Lisa's just been wide awake, patiently waiting for his Kookie to arrive.

"Aren't you cold, Lisa?" Jungkook asked. They are sitting on the swing, swinging themselves back and forth. It's cold in Korea this month and it's extra colder since they are out on the open at 3AM.

Both are wearing masks and hid majority of their faces by wearing a bucket hat and a cap. Jungkook's wearing the latter.

"Nope. I just have enough clothes layered under, no amount of coldness can stop me from being outside with you..although I would love to drink some hot coffee." Jungkook got fazed by the sudden words of Lisa. She was always reserved and acted distant before, but tonight, she acts as to what she feels.

Guess there is no holding back this time.

"I think there's no store that is open at this time of day that sells hot coffee, Lalisa." Jungkook teasingly said, ignoring the fact that Lisa just subtly flirted with him by being extra vocal about what she felt.

"What a bummer. I badly want to sip a hot coffee right now, or a hot chocolate might sound better." Lisa's eyes were really shining as she mentioned her favorite drink, whether it's hot or cold, chocolate is always on top of her list.

"Well..I know it might be risky.." Jungkook seemed very uncomfortable at what he wanted to say because he kept on rubbing his nape and stroking his hair. He can't even look at Lisa straight in the eye, but he just continued with what he wanted to say. "But if you badly want to have some hot chocolate..I can make you my apartment.." Jungkook can't invite Lisa at their dorm because he is sure it's a mess over there. They were packing in a rush last time, courtesy of Jin and Yoongi who suggested they get wasted as per celebration of their success at finishing yet another album. They just need a little polishing and then it's good.

Lisa almost choked at what the person beside her is suggesting. Of course, Jungkook has his own apartment, everyone in Bangtan has one. But Lisa felt a little shocked at what the maknae is offering, the thought of being with Jungkook alone, in his million-dollar apartment, is very enticing but she's not sure if it's appropriate.

Jungkook noticed how Lisa's mood shifted. He can tell she is thinking too much about what he said. So he just decided to speak and somewhat ease the tension that is slowly building up. "I pressure Lis, it's the only place I could think of that has what you need..a hot chocolate."

Lisa looked at Jungkook and offered the golden maknae a shy smile before nodding. "Make me one." At Lisa's words, Jungkook's lips curved upward and his bunny teeth came to appear. He was smiling so wide, not believing that he and Lisa are progressing well.

Their ride going to Jungkook's apartment was quiet. They are ofcourse inside Jungkook's car and both maknaes are very nervous just by thinking of every possible thing that may happen during their stay at JK's apartment.

"Hmmmm.." Jungkook cleared his throat, hoping to get Lisa to talk or something. But when he looked at the passenger seat, Lisa was peacefully sleeping, her head rested on the window and her hands clutching her seatbelt.

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