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Lisa's room is a mess!

There are clothes eveywhere. It looks like a dumping area for used clothing or whatever.

"I am having a headache." Rosé declared as she saw how chaotic the maknae is. Rummaging through her closet and her clothing racks.

"I should check our walk-in closet in the YG building!" Most of the girls' clothes are placed in the YG building. They have walk-in closets there, one for each member. The company provided it for them because it is more accessible for them.

The stylists can visit there to get inspirations from the girls' set of clothes. Also, they spend more time at the building and their dorms, rather than their own homes.

Jisoo, Rosé and Jennie, although they have condos, prefer to stay at their parent's homes, well it's grandparents' home for Rosé, whenever they don't have schedules. 

Lisa recently bought her condo unit, but she is not comfortable staying there as of the moment. She still has to buy lots of furniture, and wanted to design and redecorate her condo the way she wants it. She is just so busy these past months that she doesn't have the time to do it.

"Lis, calm down. You are going to meet his parents, not attend a fashion show!" Rosé said, picking up dresses and examining it one by one.

"Exactly! I am meeting his parents and I need to look my best!" Lisa said, half screaming. She does not want to wake her Jennie unnie up. They stayed up late last night because they have a gazillion of work to do.

"Lisa, just stick with your style. Don't overthink, alright?" Rosé said, handing Lisa a polka-dot patterned dress.

"How about this one, Lis?" Lisa looked at the dress and shook her head.

"Nope, not that one. I wore that to a fashion event." Lisa said, sighing.

"How about this then?" Rosé picked out a floral patterned dress. 

"Chaeyoungaa, you know I'm not a fan of dresses." Lisa said, the maknae closed to tearing up.

"But why are you rummaging through your stack of dresses then?" Chaeyoung asked confused.

"Because that's what I saw on movies and dramas. Everytime a girls meet the boys' parents, they always wear dresses!" Lisa hysterically said. "I don't like to wear them, Chae, but I think I have to just to look good in front of his parents." She added and slammed her body at the piled clothes on the floor.

Rosé giggled and held Lisa, to sit her up. "Lis, I see no problem with your casual style. I mean, sure lots of girls would opt to wear dresses in that kind of event, but you are not them, so just be yourself. Jungkook liked you just the way you are, I'm sure his parents will like you too."

Rosé left Lisa to decide for herself and went on her vocal training again, and of course, Jimin and her went to the same instructor again. 

Lisa is excited but is very much nervous. She is seated on the passenger seat of Kook's car. 

" I look okay?" Jungkook laughed at the girl's question. 

"You've been asking that for about ten times already, doll and for the tenth time, you look amazing. You always are." Lisa shyly looked at herself on the side mirror and sighed.

She's wearing her favorite black Celine shirt, black pants paired with white heels. Although she hates wearing heels, she thought that it's the only way to make her look formal.

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