1- A Fresh Start

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Y/n- your name

Just to clarify these characters are the DSMP members CHARACTERS in the role play, not the real people :>

It was an accident, I swear. I didn't mean to do that to them. I would never to that to them on purpose. They were just in the way, I shouldn't have done anything at all.
I just hope they wake up...

Y/n first person POV:

"When do you think they'll wake up?"

"I don't know Tommy, stop asking!"

"I hope they wake up."

"Me too."

Tommy? Who's Tommy? Where am I? Why can't I move? Is this a dream?

My eyes slowly start to open. Right as I open my eyes I see a tall boy sitting on the end of the bed I was laying in.
He looks over at me, his eyes start to light up right when he sees I'm awake.

The boy was wearing a red and white t-shirt with beige shorts that went to his knees. His shorts had huge pockets.
   He had blonde fluffy hair and many little scars scattered across his face.

"Hello?" I ask really confused on what's happening.
"Y/n! Your awake!" The boy yells wrapping his arms around me. I scream, not knowing what is going on.

Why is a strange boy hugging me? Why did he call me y/n? Who's y/n?

"Woah, woah calm down it's ok" an older man says reassuring me. The boys lets go of me, startled from me screaming. The man was sitting on a chair beside the bed.

He gently placed his hand on my shoulder. I flinch at his touch, still having no idea where I am or who these people are.
"Where am I?"
I say shakily, looking around the room.

"You don't remember anything?" The man asks me. I shake my head slowly, looking at him confused.

The boy stands up from the edge of the bed and runs out the door. I watch him sprint outside yelling for someone.
"Do you remember who I am?" He asks me, worry all over his face.

He had a forest green cloak on, it looked shiny like silk. He had a green and white striped hat, his medium length blonde hair poking out from under it. I quickly noticed a big pair of black feathery wings coming out of his back. That's odd? Half human, half bird?

I shake my head, looking him up and down trying to remember who he is.
He looks at me, looking almost disappointed.
"Can you tell me where I am?" I ask in desperation.

"Your in Snowchester. This is where you have lived your whole life." He says pointing around the room.
"Oh?" I respond in disbelief.

"I'm Phil, you live here with me, Techno, and Tommy."
"Who was that boy that was staring at me?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"That was Tommy." He says, confirming what I had thought. Just that second, as if it was planned. The boy- or Tommy bursts through the door. A tall person with long pink hair going down to their waist, with a pig mask that only covered the top part of their face walked in close behind Tommy.

The person with the pig mask says, letting their voice trail off.
"They can't remember anything" Phil informs looking up to the person with the pig mask.
"This is Techno" Phil says patting Technos back.

"I don't know who I am though.... but it's nice to meet you!" I say giving him a smile.
"Why do you guys keep calling me
y/n?" I add right after, looking at the with confusion spread across my face.

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