18- The Stranger In The Woods

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Y/n- your name



Y/n's first person POV:

I ended up spending another night in my little stick shelter. I had some sort of a plan, kind of.
I wanted to find somewhere else to stay, farther away. I get up bright and early, even before the sun, which is not a normal thing for me.
I start by heading away from Snowchester, so I can get as far away as possible.

The sun was just rising as I got to a nearby river. I decided to stop for awhile to rest, take a quick break, and to get some food. I decided on fishing, sounds easy enough. I quickly make a fishing rod out of a big stick, a hook, and some string.

I sit down, dipping the hook into the water. As I wait for the fish to bite I heard some rustling coming from the bushes behind me. I quickly whip my head around to see who or what was there.


I look back at the water.
I am probably just imagining things. Right then I feel tugging on the rod. A FISH, I CAUGHT ONE! I pull it to shore and take it off the hook. I caught a big cod, sweet.

I had to cook it before I could eat it though, so I got some wood and flint and steel. I made the flint and steel out of the iron I mined the other day, and flint from gravel by the river. I dampen a spot of grass, so the fire wouldn't spread, and light the wood of fire. It started off small then got bigger.

I made a contraption out of sticks that made it so I could cook the fish over the fire.
  Once it was done cooking it was a soft golden brown. I took all the bones that I could find out, and started to eat. It wasn't the best, but it definitely fulfilled my hunger for awhile.

After I finished eating I packed up my stuff and continued walking, nowhere in particular, just walking. The sun was directly above me now, beaming brightly. If I were to guess I would say it's the middle of the day.
There was absolutely no breeze, making it fairly hot. I wasn't really thinking of where I was walking, I was just mindlessly wondering around. I easily get lost in my thoughts, especially now.

What is everyone doing right now?

Do they still think about me?

Has everyone just moved on?

Does anyone care—

I was deep in thought, not acknowledging the voice talking to me.


I snap back into reality, looking in the direction the voice was coming from.
I turn around to be met with a person about my height. He was wearing a navy blue hoodie with two white stripes running down the arms of the hoodie, with dark grey jeans. He had pitch black hair, covered by a dark blue beanie. I looked up to his face to notice a huge scare going vertically across his whole face, even hitting down the centre of his left eye, causing his left eye to be a foggy brown and his right a deep vibrate brown.

I realized that I was once again zoned out, staring at him. I quickly come to my senses, not wanting to come across as creepy.
Before I replied I noticed something sparkly coming from his ring finger on his right hand. It was two rings, one being orange and the other purple.

"Uh- hello." I reply looking back up to his face, making eye contact.
"What are you doing here?" He questions, looking at me like I'm being suspicious.

"Ran away." I respond quickly, not wanting him to ask anymore questions.
"What's your name?"

No more questions, please-

"Y/n, and you are?" I question back. I knew absolutely nothing about this person, so I think it's fair if a ask some questions myself.

"I'm Quackity." He answers, holding out his hand for me to shake. He holds out the hand with the rings, they looked so familiar for some reason-

I take his hand, shaking it slowly and cautiously.
"I have seen those rings before." I blurt out quietly, remembering where I have seen them. He pulls away quickly, like he didn't want me to see them.

"Really, where?" He asks, fidgeting with them still on his finger.
"My friends have identical ones to yours." I reply, pointing to them.

He sits down on a nearby log. I walk over and sit next to him.

"What are their names?" He questions me once again. "Uh-" I say trying to remember.
"Um- I think it's Karl and.... George? No no Sapnap, yea Sapnap! Karl and Sapnap!" I reply, confident in my answer.

He looks at me with a blank expression. Before looking back down at his hands that were in his lap.
"They are my ex- fiancés." He mutters under his breath. "Ex?" I ask, fairly confused with his answer.

"I left for a couple of months to prepare for a country we were going to create together." He responds quietly.
"When I got back they had created their own country, not even thinking of me. It's like they had forgot about me all together." He adds after hesitating for a second.

"Oh, I'm so sorry-" I reply quietly, not wanting to say the wrong thing.
"So, why did you run away?" It was his turn to question me now.

"It's a long story-" I chuckle a bit under my breath.

"I've got time."

Words 929

Here's a bit of a longer chapter! :3

Also thank you for 100 reads! Holy shit, I can't thank you guys enough!
I hope you enjoyed! :D

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