14- Confronting

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Y/n- your name


I'm going to tell them, I just need to find them.

Y/n first person POV:

I speed walk down the hill, making my way to the house. I can feel the cold breeze hit my face as I quickly walk down the large hill. Even though I couldn't feel it, I felt numb, thoughts frantically running though my head.

But the only question that I could fully focus on was, why? Why did he lie to me? Why didn't he tell me?

As I get closer to the house I can see Techno and Phil standing on the porch.
Perfect. The two people I need to talk to. I stomp up the porch stairs, more frustrated than I have ever been.

"Hey y/n, what's up?" Techno asks right when I get to them. I can't believe him, acting like he did nothing, acting like everything in normal.
"Don't "hey y/n" me! Tell me the truth!" I snap at him. I tried keeping calm, but that just did it for me, that was my breaking point.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." He replies nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "You know damn well what I'm talking about." I say less loud then before, crossing my arms meaning that I'm dead serious.

"Uh- I-I'm sorry y/n, it was an accident. I regret every single one of my actions that day, I swear it-" he explains before I cut him off. "It wasn't the fact that it was an accident, it was that you lied to me, the fact that you kept this all from me!" I cut him off, trying to hold back my tears that were already streaming down my face.

"Y/n, I'm sorry..." he replies letting his voice trail off slowly. "He really didn't mean for it to end up this way." Phil says, putting his hand on my shoulder from behind me. "You knew about this?!" I turn around as quick as humanly possible to face Phil.

"I didn't want to get in the middle of this." Phil responds quietly.
"So now I have been lied to by both of you. GREAT! Just great!" I yell, waving my arms in the air.

Everything goes silent, the tension in the air getting thicker by the second.
I stand there in the middle of them, arms crossed, as mad as ever. I didn't know what to do.

Do I run? Do I yell? Do I go back to the hangout spot?

After a moment of contemplation I decided-

I ran, far away.

"Y/n! Where are you going?!" I could hear their voices yelling after me. I didn't look back, I just kept running until I couldn't run anymore.

Technos first person POV:

I was afraid this would happen. The thing I didn't want to happen just happened, and there's no going back. Why did I wait this long? What is wrong with me?

"Y/n! Where are you going?!" I yell after them, contemplating on chasing after them. They didn't even look back, they just kept running until they disappeared into the thick woods that surrounded the house.

I messed up, bad.

You're a terrible person

Y/n deserves better

They'll never forgive you

They are never coming back

They hate you

Everyone hates you

The voices wouldn't stop, I couldn't stop them. This is the worse they have been in a long time. I couldn't take it anymore, I'm going crazy.
"They'll come back." Phil says in his usual soft voice, placing his arm around me. How could he be so calm about this? "How can you be so calm about this? They're gone!" I ask in disbelief, burying my head in my hands.
"I'm not, but it's my responsibility to keep calm, to not freak out when dealing with this situation." He explains, rubbing circles slowly onto my back.

"Where are they!" I hear an angry voice yell from not that far away. We turn around to see Tommy angrily stomping towards me.
He stops right in front of me, not being intimidated by my height at all. He looks up at me with pure frustration in his eyes.

"Where are they!" He repeats. He was so close to me, our chests almost touching. He was standing on his toes, in attempt to be a little bit taller than he already is. "Tell me." He says after a moment of silence, he wasn't yelling anymore, his voice was just stern and demanding.
"Now!" He adds in a more louder voice then before, still sounding equally as demanding.

"I don't know." I respond, trying to keep as calm and collected as possible.
He looks me dead in the eyes, giving me the biggest death glare I have ever seen. Which is concerning coming from me. "How could you not know?!" He yells once again, pushing me back.
I'm guessing he knows now too. Great, just great.

"Tommy calm down." Phil says, placing a hand on his forearm. He immediately rips his arm out of Phil's grasp.
"No! I'm not going to "calm down" I need to know where y/n went! They aren't here, so where are they!" He snaps, stepping closer to me.

I am not going to fight Tommy, even if I have to I'm not going to. I don't want to hurt him to.
It hurts me to know that I caused all of this, I feel so guilty.

Words 914

Another chapter! This one is painfully short though :/
I'll write more tonight!

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