6- Just Like Old Times

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Y/n- your name


Y/n is strong. They can handle the truth, right? Or is that what I just keep telling myself? I don't know what to believe anymore. This is a difficult secret to live with.

Y/n first person POV:

Today I decided to tag along with Techno, we are going mining. It sounds fun to find stones and maybe even diamonds! It sounds exciting, so of course I wanted to go.
   He made me a new pic axe for the occasion. It was a deep purple with glowing light purple stripes on the blade part.

"It's going to be dark, so don't be scared. I have lots of torches so we should be good." He informs me, we were standing at the entrance of a big cave. "Me? Scared? Pfft." I reply, brushing off what he just warned me.
"There will also most definitely be mobs so keep your shield on you. I'm almost done making you armour so you can use that when it's done." He tells me, stepping into the cave.

I follow close behind him, placing a torch anywhere I could. Also paying attention to how much I have, so I don't run out of torches right away.
As we got deeper into the cave, I started spotting more ores. I mined everything I found, yes even the coal.
I know we don't need it, but it's exciting to find stuff to mine.
"What's this?" I ask pointing to a light blue ore I noticed in the corner of the cave. "You found diamonds! Good job y/n!" Techno congratulated me. I quickly mined it, picking up the small blue stone. There was only one but I didn't mind, it was still exciting. My first diamond!

We mined for the whole afternoon, finding all sorts of stuff. I saw my first skeleton today in the cave. I also got shot by my first skeleton today. Yes, it was the same skeleton.
Techno ended up finding almost a stack of diamonds. He is so good at mining. I only found the one, but I wasn't jealous or anything. I was still proud of myself, and kept the singular diamond close so I wouldn't loose it.


When we got back to the house Tommy was there waiting for me.
"Hey, y/n! I have something planned for tonight!" Tommy says excitedly, with the biggest grin on his face.
"What is it?" I ask giggling at his suspicious behaviour.
"It's a surprise, come on!" He says grabbing a big pouch, and leading me up a hill. We walk for awhile before we made it to a non-snowy area on top of a tall hill.

"We're here!" He says, spinning around showing off the area. The view of the sunset from where we were sitting was amazing. He layed out a blanket and sat down, frantically patting the spot beside him. I sit down,immediately staring off into the sun set.

He pulled all sorts of food out of his pouch that he brought. Cake, cookies, bread, etc.
"We used to have picnics all the time." He said sounding kind of down.
"I thought it would be nice, considering it's such a nice evening." He says brightening the mood back up.

"I wish I could remember it." I say quietly, talking about the picnics we used to have. I look down at my hands that were in my lap.
"Hey, it ok!" Tommy says giving me a tight hug. "We are here now, so let's enjoy it!" He declares, letting go of the hug.

We sat side-by-side, a comfortable silence being set upon us as we watched the sun slowly disappear in the earth. "Did I tell you I met Niki the other day?" I say breaking the silence between us. "Really? Pog!" He exclaims excitedly, bringing his attention to me.

"Yea, I met her when I was on my way to find Puffy." I state, turning all of my attention to the sun set in front of us.
"I wanted to ask her some things and learn how to use a bow." I add shortly after. "What did you ask her about?" He asked, sounding genuinely curious.

"The place you didn't want me to go." I said quietly, looking down to my hands that were in my lap.
He whips his head around to face me.
"What about it?" He sounded hesitant, like he knew he wasn't going to like the answer.

"Ghostbur wouldn't tell me much, so I went to her and she told me everything."
"Well almost everything, I think she left some parts out, actually." I add quietly, almost whispering.

"What did she tell you?" His voice sounded stern and serious, like he was going all protective mode again.
"She told me about L'amanburg? I think that's what it was, and about what caused all those red vines. The egg." I tell him.

"She also told me about you getting exiled? What was that about?" I look over to see him looking down at his hands, fidgeting with them nervously. When he heard what I said about his exile his head shot up. He looked me straight in my eyes. Tears starting to form slowly, making a glossy coat over his eyes.

"Why would she tell you about that?" He asks himself, blinking away his tears that were about to fall.
"What's wrong?" I ask putting my arm around him, pulling him close.
"That is one thing that never should have been brought up."
"That was the only thing I was glad you forgot." He adds looking me in the eyes again.

"I did some things I am not proud of. Those things lead me to be exiled by my best friend."
"Tubbo? Why?"
"He was president at the time. Dream wanted me exiled or else he would build a huge wall around L'amanburg, ruining our nation. Blocking it off all together."

I have been hearing about this Dream person. Who is he? He sounds like he was included in a lot of this.
"You were the only person that would come and visit me, you and Ghostbur actually." He continues.
"Everyday, Dream would come and destroy all of my stuff." His voice quietly starting to trail off.

"When you would visit though, you would sneak some food and other things for me." He says giving me a small smile.
"You didn't care if Dream caught you. You just wanted to help me as much as you could."

"You weren't really apart of L'amanburg. You lived more on your own, isolated from everyone. When you found out I was exiled you came to visit me right away, unlike everyone else. You actually cared-"

I'm glad he's catching me up on my life when I wasn't memory-less. I'm really lucky to have Tommy, I have no idea how I was able to become his friend honestly. I don't deserve him, he cares so much about me, and all I can do is just sit here, not remembering a thing.

"We should get back before Phil starts to worry." He declares, quietly standing up to get ready to go. Once everything was packed up we set off on our walk back to the house.

Words 1217

This one is also kind of short :/
But I'm getting more motivated to write now, so I can update more!

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