4- Red Vines

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Y/n- your name


Me and y/n have known each other for a very long time. They are so special to me and I caused them to loose their memory. What is wrong with me?
      I wish I could just go back in time, so non of this would have happened.

   It hurts me to see them like this, trying their best to remember and then failing. It pains me to see them get frustrated at themself even though non of this is their fault to begin with.

Y/n first person POV:

"I think it's best if we don't go there." Tommy says grabbing my hand firmly. He continues to pull me down the wooden path with Tubbo and Ranboo trailing behind us.

"What, why? What is that place?" I ask frantically trying to catch another glimpse at the place before we were to far away. He continues to walk faster, pulling me behind him.
That place. I swear I have seen it before. I can't remember where? Or how.


All four of us make it back to the house. The sun was just starting to set, colours slowly forming in the sky.
    Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo all decide to go hang out in Ranboos bunker in the hill beside our house. I have never been there before but I couldn't go now because Techno promised me he would teach me some fighting skills.

He said he would be my teacher and we can do an hour of lessons everyday.
When we got there the four of us go outside separate ways. I look around near the house, trying to find Techno.
He is nowhere to be seen outside, so I head inside to see where he went. I go into the basement to find him sharpening some swords.

"Hey, you almost ready?" I ask, out of breath from running around trying to find him.
"Just one second, I'm almost done sharpening our swords." He says, not looking up from the big stone he was sharpening the swords on.

"Wait, we're going to use those? What if you accidentally hit me?! Or I accidentally hit you?!" I ask, making it seem obvious that this could end badly.
"Don't worry y/n, I'll go easy on you, and I have instant health potions and food ready in case we need it." He stands up from the little stool he was sitting on in front of the sword sharpening stone and reaches over to a shield on the ground in front of him.

"Here take this, I'll be out in a minute." He says ushering me out the door.
"Ok" I say before running up the stairs and into the field we were going to be practicing in.

While I was waiting though I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to that place. It looked exactly like the place that kept me up last night.
    Tommy seemed really eager to get me out of there, but why?
I was removed from my thoughts when I heard footsteps approaching me. I turn around to see Techno hauling a big chest with him. I travel to where he set the chest, not to far away from where I was. He opens the chest to reveal an assortment of different food and potions, along with two swords as well as two shields

"Here" he says, handing me a blue glowing sword with a big wooden shield. The shield was the size of my torso. It was wooden with iron trim, and a leather strap on the back. I'm guessing that's how I hold it?
The sword was a light blue with purple glowing stripes moving up and down the blade. The handle looked like it was wrapped with some kind of hardened cloth.

"Ok, first things first." He says, standing about two feet away from me.
"I cannot stress this enough how important it is to be able to use your shield correctly." He says is a serious and demanding tone. Holding up his shield.
"Hold it like this" he orders in a rather smooth tone. He slips his arm into the leather loop, bringing the shield close to his chest.

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