13- The Accident

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Y/n- your name

I should tell them today, it's now or never. I just don't know where they are, I think they said they were going to their new hangout spot. I don't know where that is though.

Damn it.


"Alright, it says- ⏁ ⊑ ⟒.  ⌇ ⟒ ☊ ⍜ ⋏ ⎅. ⌰'⏃ ⋔ ⏃ ⋏ ⏚ ⎍ ⍀ ☌. ⍙ ⏃ ⍀,   ☊ ⏃ ⎍ ⌇ ⟒ ⎅.  ⏚ ⊬.  ⏁ ⟒ ☊—"

"Transportation please." Tommy cuts Ranboo off.
"Oh yea, sorry." He apologizes, re-reading the page in a language we can all understand.

"The second L'amanburg war was caused by Techno and Dream teaming up. They used a huge obsidian grid to drop TNT on the newly re-built nation.
I was getting weapons together with Tommy and Tubbo, putting on armour, preparing ourselves for the fight ahead of us. I was trying to keep y/n from fighting, but it was no use. They ran out onto the battle field, I chased after them, trying to get them out of there. Before I could even get close to them I saw Techno shoot a firework in the distance, it was heading straight for
y/n. I ran as fast as I could, I couldn't get there in time. It was to late, it hit them right in the head, knocking them unconscious. I panicked, running back to go get Tommy and Tubbo, but by the time I got to them, I had totally forgot everything. We got ready to go to the battle field, by the time we got there
y/n was gone, and so was Techno."

Ranboos first person POV:

"Y/n! What are you doing!?" I yell after them, they were heading straight for the battle field, unarmed and everything. "To stop them, this is getting out of hand!" They yell back, not even bother to look back at me.
I just kept chasing them, trying to get them out of there. In the distance I saw Techno firing a huge firework.
"Y/n! Look out!" I yell after them, it was to late, it hit them right in the head.

"No no no no" I frantically stumble to them, trying to get to them fast. By the time I get to them they were unconscious. I run back as fasts as I could to go get Tommy and Tubbo.
"Y/n is hurt! Their unconscious!" I yell at them as they stare at me in disbelief.
"Shit!" Tommy yells, running out the door. Me and Tubbo exchange glances before running after Tommy.

Y/n first person POV:

I stand there, eyes widened in shock. Everyone was in shock, but I was the most. "I-I don't remember that, even writing it. I must have written that while I was in my Ender state." He stutters out his words, putting the book back on its stand.

"That fucker, how could he do that?!" Tommy yells, pacing around the room. Tubbo was standing beside me, not letting me out of his grasp.
Ranboo was sitting on a pile of books that still had to be put away on one of the shelves.

"It had to be an accident, right?" Tubbo asks no one in particular, rubbing circles on my back slowly.
I was shaking, not knowing what to do or think. How could he do that to me? Why did he do that to me? He ruined my life, not allowing me to remember any of the people I care about. Causing me to loose all of the memories I have made.

"Wh-where is he?" I ask, my eyes burning with tears silently running down my face.
Ranboo stands up from his pile of books and makes his way over to me, still being held hostage by Tubbo. He stands in front of me staring at the emotional wreck I was. He puts his hand on my cheek, rubbing away my tears, but quickly taking his hand away.

"Ow!" He exclaims, shaking his hand around trying to dry it off.
"Oops, sorry." I mutter, looking down at my feet. "It's alright y/n, we can figure this out." He reassures me, placing his hand on my shoulder instead.

"Yea, it'll all be ok." Tubbo adds, still holding me tight. "No, this isn't ok!" I snap.
"He caused me to forget EVERYTHING even the people that I care about the most, and the memories I have made with them." I yell, frustrated out of my mind.

"Y/n, calm down." Ranboo says softly.
"No! I'm not going to "calm down" I have to see him, I have to show him how much pain he put me through." I yell, ripping myself from Tubbos grasp.

I run out of the library, making my way towards the exit. "Y/n! Come back!" I hear Tommy yell from behind me. I don't bother looking back, I just keep speed walking to the door.

I run out of the door, making my way down the damp, grassy path. The trees tower over me, dripping water from the leaves above. I hear my shoes make a squishy sound as I occasionally step in little puddles. I was furious, I couldn't stop the raging thoughts flooding inside my head. They just kept coming.

Why would he do this to me? Does he know how much I have gone though? Does he even care? I thought we were friends. I keep speeding walking down the path, until I walk onto a very familiar wooden path.
I walk to the bench and turn left, going to the community portal. I step into the portal, getting dizzy as usual.
I appear in the Nether, not having time to be scared of the lava surrounding me.

As I quickly walk more down the bridge, a figure comes into view. A figure that I knew a little to well.


"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks, noticing the tears streaming down my face.
"I know who did it." I respond, looking him dead in his brown, faded eyes. I quickly walk past him, not saying another word. I don't dare look back, I feel so bad.
I yelled at Ranboo and Tubbo, and I blocked out Ghostbur.

This is killing me slowly.

I step into the other Nether portal that leads to Snowchester.
I get dizzy once again, but not even a moment later get my vision back, as expected.

I walk towards the house, furious but also a bit nervous. I didn't really know what to feel except for anger.
  I make my way over the hill that overlooked the house.
I stand there, overlooking the house down below.

What am I going to do?

Words 1091

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D

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