3- Library of memories

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Y/n- your name

They remembered their first person the other day. I'm so proud of them! This is the most happy I have seen y/n ever since the accident.
I'm glad their getting better, I just hope they forgive me once they find out I was the one who put this upon them. I hope they forgive me once they hear my reasoning behind my actions.

Y/n first person POV:

I woke up in a cold sweat. Which is weird because I don't remember dreaming about anything actually. I notice that I was still holding the pouch of blue Ghostbur gave me yesterday. I immediately get a wave of relaxation after I open it, revealing the same blue paste that was in it yesterday. I have always wondered why I felt this way looking at the blue, but I liked it. It's like all my negative and sad thoughts just fade away, traveling out of my mind.

Tommy comes climbing up the ladder to where I was sleeping.
"Hey, you ready?" His face beaming with excitement.
"We have to meet up with Ranboo and Tubbo at the bench soon, hurry up." He says slowly making his way back down the ladder. I get out of bed and slip my shoes on. I glance around the room. Should I get changed? I don't know where my clothes are though, if I even have clothes here.

I look through the contents of the chests in my room. 
     I find a pair of black leather chunky sole boots, they had silver latches laying across the front of them. I look outside to see what the weather is like. There were dark clouds swirling in the sky making it look like there was going to be a rain storm. I sigh, digging even further into the chest. At the bottom of the chest there was a navy blue cloak. It looked like it hadn't been worn in ages. It was silky, like Phils cloak that he always wears. It had a nice spiral design on the back. It looked very neatly hand stitched. I decide to wear it, not wanting to possibly get soaking wet. I slip on the boots that I found and put on the cloak, gently pulling the hood over my head in fear of damaging it.

I climb down the ladder, making my way to the door yanking it open and stepping outside. I walk down the stairs on the left side of the porch. I see Phil tending to the farm near the fenced up cattle.

"Is that my old cloak?" Phil says lightly chuckling.
"Oh, uh I didn't know that- this was the first thing I found." I stutter over my words a bit, looking down at the black leather boots I was wearing.
"No, no it's ok! You can have it!" He says smiling before going back to what he was doing.

"Where's Tommy?" I ask Phil, looking around confused.
"Oh yea, he asked me to tell you to meet him at the bench. He wanted to see if you could get there by yourself." He says walking up the porch and going into the house. Shortly after he comes out with a small chest. He opens the chest and starts to hand me little bottles of liquid.

"These are potions, I want you to drink them and take some with you just to be safe." He says with a genuine smile.

"This one is fire resistance" he says handing me a bottle of glowing liquid.
"This one is strength, invisibility, instant health, and instant damage. Only use the invisibility and instant damage if your in danger, ok?" He says handing me the four potions. I drink the strength and fire resistant potions and put the other two in the pockets in my cloak. I thank Phil and make my way towards the portal.
I was really nervous. I hope nothing goes wrong. This is my first time going somewhere without Tommy, so I hope it goes well. I will be able to see him soon. I say to myself, trying to keep cool.

"Y/n! Wait one second!" A voice calls from behind me. I turn around to see Techno sprinting towards me.
"Here, take this. I know you don't know how to use it yet but it's just in case you need it." He says handing me a light blue glowing sword. "I'll teach you how to use it when you get back, just like I promised." He says looking down at me with a big grin across his face.
"Thanks Techno!" I say going in for a hug. I hug him tight, he hesitates to hug me back right away. I let go of him, so I can go on with my travels.

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