2- Familiar

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Y/n- your name


I feel so guilty, probably because I am guilty. I really feel bad for doing that to y/n. They don't deserve it.
No one knows. No one will know.
I can take this opportunity to make things right.

Y/n first person POV:

Yesterday I met six new people or at least new to me now.

I met Phil, Techno, Tommy, Puffy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. That's a good start, right?

I have no idea how many people there are though, so this might take some time. I'm also going to have to remember a whole bunch of names. That's alright though, I'm always up for a challenge.

Tommy seems pretty cool, he has helped me so much. Even though we met yesterday, or at least from what I can remember.

Today Tommy is going to show me around more of the SMP. I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet more people and possibly get some of my memory back!

"Are you ready to go?"
Tommy asks me waiting for me at the door. "Yup!" I exclaim excitedly, climbing down the ladder at a scarcely fast pace. "Ok let's go!"
"Wait! I had to get something!" He turns around and runs back into the house.

"Tommy's taking you around the SMP today, right?" Phil asks. He was leaning on the wooden railing of the porch like thing that connects the houses.
"Yup! I'm so excited!"
I say jumping up and down. He looks at me and laughs.
"I'm glad" he says between laughter. Phil's laugh is so contagious, well I guess for me all laughs are super contagious. Especially Phils.

"Got it!" Tommy yells running out the door with a huge fork looking thing in each hand. He hands me one, I just look at it in confusion. "That's a trident, actually it's your trident to be exact."
"It was your favourite way of transportation." He says, sounding a bit down, a small frown forming on his face.

"Well, how does it work?" I ask, trying to brighten the mood.
He looks up at me and smiles.
"Follow me to find out." He says running down the stairs and towards the direction we went yesterday. He stops at one of the little water pools.

"Ok, dip the end of the trident in the water. Then throw it, but hold onto in instead of letting go. You will fly up into the air. MAKE SURE TO LAND IN ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE WATER POOLS." He says really seriously, looking me straight in the eyes indicating he means business.

"If you don't you could get really hurt, and I don't want you to get hurt again." Tommy says more softly, following his statement with a smile.
"Here I'll demonstrate" he says before dipping the end of his trident in the water and blasting into the air, landing in another water pool not to far from the one I was standing at.

"Your turn!" He yells to me.
I get in the water pool and copy what he did exactly, launching myself into the air. I scream as I get really high, it was fun but scary at first.
I land in the water pool next to Tommy.
"You did it!" He yells jumping up and down in celebration.
"That was fun!" I say out of breath.

"Ok now we just have to keep doing that into every water pool until we get to the portal. It'll be way quicker than yesterday."
We both fly through the air, dropping into every water pool until we got to the portal.

We step into the portal to feel a very familiar wave of heat hit us. I guess this place is called the Nether? Or at least that's what Tommy calls it. In that case, the Nether still scares me but not as much as last time. I was walking with Tommy down the usual bridge across the huge lava pool, trident in hand.

My hands were getting really sweaty from the heat, causing my trident to slip out of my hand landing on the bridge. I didn't notice, we just kept walking. That's before I felt a faint tap on my shoulder. I look back quickly to see no one there.
"What's wrong y/n?" Tommy says, noticing I have stopped.
"Something tapped my shoulder." I say looking around frantically. Right after I realize my trident is gone.

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