5- History

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Y/n- your name


I don't know how long I can do this. They're going to find out at some point. Maybe they'll forgive me right off the bat? No, that's unrealistic. I'm going to have to make it up to them. What am I thinking, nothing can make up for causing someone to loose their memory. I messed up big time.

I have dug myself in a hole, the more I let this go the deeper it gets making it harder for me to get out.
  I can't tell anyone though, but I need to. I have no idea what I'm going to do.
"Calm down, your going to figure something out." That's all I try to tell myself even though I know it's not true.


Y/n first person POV:

I know who I'm going to talk to. I have no idea where to find her though, so it's going to take awhile.

The sun is up and beaming brightly down onto me. The sky is free of any clouds today, making it an absolute clear day. I was walking down the usual wooden path when I crossed paths with a girl.

She had faded pink hair with pointy ears. Like Ranbbos. She was about as tall as me. She had a natural pinkness spread across her cheeks. Just faded enough to reveal light freckles scattering across her face. She was wearing a dark red cloak with a strap around her shoulder, drooping down to her waist. She was wearing a pair of small shoes that curled at the toes.
The outfit was topped off with a beautiful, multi coloured flower crown.

"Hey y/n. Where are you heading?" She spoke. Her voice was soft and quiet. It was a soothing sound, like Ghostburs voice but less echoey and more sweet.
I decided to gave up on the whole "I can figure out who you are on my own" thing and just ask her.

"Who are you?"
"Sorry that came off rude, um I kind of lost my memory so I have to re-meet everyone." I add quickly right after. Realizing what I said first sounded kind of rude. "Oh, I'm sorry about that y/n"
"My name is Niki! Nice to re-meet you!" She jokes, letting out the cutest giggle I have ever remembered.
"Nice to re-meet you too!" I laugh, shaking her hand that she put out in front of me to take.

"I'm actually looking for Puffy, have you seen her anywhere or might know where she would be?" I ask freeing her hand from my grasp.
"Oh yea! She's at the spider spawner, I was just talking with her there!"

"Thank you so much, Niki!" I thank her giving her a quick hug, making her let out another cute giggle in the process.
I sprint towards the direction of the spider spawner. Tommy brought me there not long ago, he needed to repair his precious shovel he always has on him.

I make it there in no time, dropping to the pool of water below.
"Oh, hey y/n! How are you doing?" I hear a voice talking to me.
I stand up from the water to see Puffy at the enchantment table across from where the spiders spawn. I hate spiders they are so annoying, so I tried not to pay any attention to them.

"I wanted to talk to you, maybe ask you a couple of things?" I ask walking toward her. "For sure!" She says going to a chest, and pulling out a big blue rock.

"Ok so, last night I was talking to Ghostbur. We were sitting on a cliff overlooking the big pit full of red vines." She looks up at me, already knowing what I'm going to ask.
"He wouldn't tell me anything though, but I really want to know because I'm sick of people keeping all this stuff from me." I add quickly before she could say anything.

She sighs, looking me straight in the eyes. "I guess it's all in the past, so I won't hurt for you to know."
"Let's go somewhere else though, this is going to take awhile to explain."

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