12- Ranboos Memory Journal

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Y/n- your name


I don't think I can do this much longer. I have to tell them, and soon. I just can't think of the right words to express how sorry I am, how much I regret everything I did that day. I have to figure it out quick before they possibly hear it from someone else.

Y/n first person POV:

I have been thinking a lot about the random memory that came back to me. I'm really happy it did, even though it got me nowhere.

Today we are going to move some stuff to our new hang out spot. I'm really excited, even though it's a bit of a walk from the house. That's kind of what makes it such a nice place, it's in the middle of a forest, away from all civilization. It's a peaceful place where we could go to just get away from everything for awhile.

We aren't going to fully move there, it's just going to be a place we can go if and whenever we want, so we are just moving enough stuff there to make it more cozy and relaxing.

I was helping Ranboo pack up his books, while Tommy and Tubbo were packing up other things such as, weapons, food, blankets, and other things to decorate the mansion with.
Ranboo had a lot of books, so it was a two person job just to pack them.
Of course he wasn't bringing all of them, but still half of his books can still fill many large bookshelves.
He was only planning on bringing all of the books in his bunker, which was only half of his whole book collection.

"The blue ones can go into these chests." He informs me, bringing over two big empty chests. I nod, collecting all of his blue books and neatly placing them into the chests, trying to make them all fit.
He brought over two more chests for himself, placing all of the red books into them.
We spent almost two hours colour coding, then packing up the books.

We all agreed to just meet there when we were done. I'm guessing Tommy and Tubbo are already there waiting for us. "We are almost done, all that is left are the inchanted books." Ranboo reassures, determine and tiredness in his voice. "Alright, we can do this!" I respond, pumping my fist into the air, giving myself a sudden burst of energy.


"These are so heavy, wow" I remark out of breathe from carrying the heavy chest full Ranboos books. This was our last load, we had to make three trips there and back to get all of his books.

"Well, we are almost there." He responds to my comment, just as out of breath as I am. Tommy and Tubbo are waiting for us there. They decided to stay back to start decorating their own rooms instead of helping us.

As the mansion starts to come into view I let out a big sigh of relief. I start to pick up my pace, so I can get there quicker. "Y/n, wait up!" Ranboo yells, laughing while gasping for air. I stop in my tracks and turn around, Ranboo being pretty far away, I decide to wait for him. I stand there on the leaf covered path, impatiently waiting for Ranboo who was going painfully slow. The chest was getting heavier and heavier by the second. I give him the "hurry up" look, he obliges, picking up his pace.

He finally makes it to me, where we start to walk the same pace side-by-side. We walk along the damp, grassy path in silence the rest of the way.
At this point I hate silence, and being alone because that means I can think. My thoughts get pretty overwhelming sometimes, especially when I can't control them, which is most of the time. I think a lot about what is happening, like how close I have gotten to finding out the truth, and then failing. I get disappointed and upset with myself, but I can't give up now. I know I'm close to finding out, I can just feel it.

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