9- The Village

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Y/n- your name
!TW! A little bit of violence just a tiny bit


It's only a matter of time, they're going to find out sooner then later.
They have been finding out so much already.
I just can't shake the feeling that they're going to loose their mind when they find out the truth.

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(Translation: the time is soon)

Y/n first person POV:

"I had a dream last night, where you were frantically writing something down in a glowing book, but it was in a language I couldn't understand."

"Hm that's weird, I don't remember anything about frantically writing anything down?" Ranboo replies with a puzzled expression.

"It was just a dream, so it probably meant nothing anyways." I shrug looking back towards the landscape in front of us. We were sitting on the bench, waiting for Tommy and Tubbo to get here.

"Where are they, what's taking them so long?" I sigh, getting a bit impatient.
"They're waiting at the house for Niki, so she can watch Micheal for the day."
He explains, keeping his eyes glued on the scenery ahead of us.

I hum, nodding slowly at the information I was just given.
A comfortable silence fell upon us.

"Hey, sorry guys we're late, Niki got caught up with some things." Tommy apologizes, out of breath from running part of the way here.

"Ok, we can go now!" Tubbo says coming up from behind Tommy. Me and Ranboo stand up from the bench, and start walking with the other two.

We decided to go on an adventure today. They have told me so much about these mansions in the woods. There is guaranteed to be mobs in it though. That's why I brought my shield and sword, now that I'm a professional fighter.

Well, define the word professional.

We were planning on finding one, clearing all the mobs out of it, and making it our not so secret base.
More like a hangout spot then a base actually.

"They only appear in dark oak forests." Ranboo states, looking down at the map we brought.
I was on fighting duty, Ranboo was on map duty, Tubbo on food, and Tommy on resources.

It was around noon, the sun was shining brightly making it an extremely hot day. Good thing we were in a forest though, the trees towered over us creating an umbrella for shade.

"Look! A village!" Tommy yells, pointing at something in the distance.
We quickly make our way to the village to take a break from walking.

From what Tommy had told me, us four have a bad reputation when it comes to villages. Every village on the SMP have posters up saying to look out for us.
We aren't criminals, we just don't get along with villagers that much.

"Wait, put your hoods up, so we don't get recognized." I say extending my arms in front of them so that can't go any further.

"Good idea, I'm not really in the mood to fight with another iron golem." Tubbo says, putting up the hood of his cloak just like the rest of us.
We all agree that we should keep on the down low as we are passing through the village.

We all walked side-by-side. Ranboo to my left, Tubbo to my right, and Tommy beside Tubbo. We kept our heads down most of the time, if we had to look up then our hoods were blocking most of our face anyways.
That is until I saw a poster with our pictures on it. I stop dead in my tracks to read it.

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