15- Voices

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Y/n- your name

Technos first person POV:

I remember that day like it was yesterday.



I had enough of authority, of people in power. Government is the thing tearing us apart, not land. It's all about power. That's why we did it, that's why we got rid of L'amanburg once and for all.

"Light it up." I instruct, Dream obliges lighting up the TNT, and dropping it off of the big obsidian grid levitating over L'amanburg.

I jump down onto a big hill not far from the grid. I get my firework launcher ready, aiming it for the sky, not intending to really hit anything except for the ground.

My first biggest mistake of the day-

"Y/n! What are you doing?!"
I hear Ranboos voice in the distance, not thinking much of it I shoot the firework, watching it fly into the sky at the speed of light.

"To stop them, this is getting out of hand!" Y/n yells in the distance. I look down at the big crater that was once L'amanburg. I see y/n standing on one of the ledges of the massive crater we have made.

"Y/n! Look out!" Ranboos voice was quiet and faint, probably because of the large distance between us.
I look back down at y/n to see what Ranboo was yelling about. That's when I knew I messed up big time.
The firework arched in the air, gravity doing its job and starts bringing it back to the earth below.

It was heading straight for y/n at full speed, hitting them right in the head.
I watch as they collapse to the ground, being knocked unconscious.
I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to be blamed for this completely unlucky accident, so I ran as far as I could.

My second biggest mistake of the day-

I regretted it immediately. I should've been there to see if y/n was ok, but of course my fight or flight instincts kicked in, the only time I picked to run away-


~~~Present Day~~~

It has been two days since y/n ran away. Words can't describe how worried I am.
I have already had many sleepless nights from thinking about how I tell them the truth, but now I can't sleep in fear that they could possibly be dead.

No, I can't think like that. They are a very good fighter, and very brave to.

I'm laying in my bed, eyes wide open, not being able to shut any time soon. My mind couldn't escape the thought of y/n. Are they ok?

They're dead.

This is all your fault!

You are worthless-

You're disgusting!

Why would you do this!

The voices wouldn't stop, I couldn't do it anymore. I had to get my mind off of things. I had enough of tossing and turning, so I get up making my way towards the door that led outside. I slip on my boots and carefully turn the knob of the door, trying not to make it creak.

Right when I step foot outside I could feel the cold air hit my face, nipping at my exposed cheeks.
There was a light breeze, it was just strong enough to blow my hair slightly into my face. I tuck my hair behind my ears before I continue walking.
It was a very quiet and peaceful night, the only sound that could be heard for a couple of miles was the snow getting packed down by my boots as I walked, creating a soft crunching sound.

My only source of warmth was my long velvet cloak that was draped over my shoulders. Good thing it wasn't extremely cold outside, being more of a mild temperature.

I kept walking, nowhere in particular, I was just walking to get my mind off of things.

They are in danger because of you.

Move on, they'll never forgive you!

Just quit already-

Give up!

The voices were no help.
Who am I kidding, they're nothing but useless voices that are just there, always in the back of my head.

But sometimes I can't help but think, maybe they're right-
In that case, when I'm thinking like that I usually just think of everyone I care about. Yet again, one of the most important people in my life has ran away, maybe even dead at this point.

"Y/n, please come back..."

Words 780

This was more of a short filler chapter, to give a little more of a backstory I guess?
Idk if that makes sense-

Either way I hope you enjoyed!
I haven't updated in a bit :/ so here you go!

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