17- Revived

205 5 3

Y/n- your name

This chapter is strongly based off of One of Tommy's past lore streams :>


I miss them so much, I really hope they're ok.

Tommy's first person POV:

Today I made plans with Tubbo, Ranboo, and Ghostbur to go pay Dream a little...... visit- you could say.

"Ok everyone got it, do we have to go over the plan once more?" I ask everyone, in a serious manner. We were standing in a little circle in the watchtower beside the prison.
Ranboo was standing to my right, Tubbo to my left, and Ghostbur adjacent from me.

"Uh yes, but why are we doing this again?" Ghostbur asks in a nervous tone, shifting on his feet.

"This is for y/n, Dream was apart of this believe it or not." I state, crossing my arms in a annoyed manner when Dreams name came up.
"He's also a bad person, who has caused many people pain and trauma." I add coldly.

(He is talking about Dreams CHARACTER, I would never write anything like that about Dream himself, he is an amazing person and has helped so many people including myself, he honestly deserves the world! Anyways back to the story :] )

They all hum quietly in agreement.
"Ok, let's go. Ghostbur I know you don't like lying, but you're gonna have to make an exception this time." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder. It goes right threw though, sometimes I forget he's a ghost-

"How though?" He looks up at me with a very worried expression.
"You know what, let's practice!" I suggest, lightening up the mood a bit.
"Alright, Ranboo is Sam." I say, pulling Ranboo in front of Ghostbur.

"Why are you here, Ghostbur?" Ranboo starts in his best impression of Sam, which wasn't even that impressive, but it'll have to do. "To visit Dream!" Ghostbur replies enthusiastically, with a big smile on his face.

"Is there anyone else with you?" Ranboo continues. "Yeah, Tommy is over here!" He responds once again, still as enthusiastic as before. Pointing directly at me. "Oops!" He corrects himself, acknowledging his mistake.

He lets out a big sigh in defeat.
"I can't do this-" he whispers under his breath. "Yes you can!"
"If he asks about me just talk about.. hm.....WOMAN!" I tell him, that's what I would do.

"Woman?" His face full of confusion.
"Yea try it." I say, pulling Ranboo back in front of Ghostbur.

"Is there anyone with you Ghostbur?" Ranboo asks in his Sam impression.
"I like woman, do you like woman ra- I mean Sam?" He replies, not answering Ranboos question. It's not perfect but it'll have to do, we are running out of time.

"Perfect!" I say proudly, walking over and attempting to pat him on the back.

Oh yea, he's a ghost.

"I think you're ready!" I tell him backing up, now taking my past spot in front of him. "Alright." He lets out a big exhale, slowly walking towards the door.

I walk out not far behind him. I turn around to wave goodbye to Ranboo and Tubbo who were standing in the doorway, watching us leave.
"Good luck!" Tubbo yells to us.
I smile and wave back, turning my attention back to the path ahead of me.
We walk side-by-side the whole way. I could tell Ghostbur was nervous, I was too, but someone had to be the brave one here, and that someone is me.

"Wait, can I bring Friend?" Ghostbur asks, walking towards his blue sheep tied up to a fence post not far off the path. "Sure." I respond. I didn't want to say no. Maybe Friend will help ease his nerves.

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