10- Mansion In The Woods

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Y/n- your name


If anyone were to tell them it was me I would explain the real story. What actually happened that day. I wouldn't lie to them, that would just make it worse.

In that case I should at least think about how I'm going to explain it to them, in a way they will understand that it was all a huge accident. That I regret every single second of that day.

Y/n first person POV:

We got lost a couple of times while trying to find the mansion. Ranboo kept telling us to make the wrong turns. The map was his responsibility, it turned into all of us working together to find this place. Well, define working together.

"It should be this way!"

"But the map says it's this way!"

"Well, you're reading the map wrong!"
Tommy and Tubbo argued.

I look at Ranboo to see his shaking his head in disappointment.
"Guys your both wrong actually" I chime in. "It's actually this way, see the arrows?" I add pointing to the little yellow arrows on the map.

"See you were wrong." Tubbo says, shooting a glance over at Tommy.
"You were too." He replies, crossing his arms, and rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"No more fighting guys, this is supposed to be a fun day." Ranboo states, glancing around at the three of us. He has always been like the "dad" of the group when it comes to the four of us. He is always the most responsible and mature one. Tommy and Tubbo are like the brothers, always arguing, but when they get along they are best friends. I'm more in the middle. I can be responsible when I want, or when it's needed, the majority of the time though I'm the most childish out of all of us.

"Ayyyyye, we made it!" Tommy exclaims extending his arms to show off the huge building in front of us.


We walk inside, being met with nothing but darkness. To be honest I was a little nervous, but I went through with it. How hard could this be?


"Y/n, there's another one over here!" Tubbo yells for me, pointing at a giant spider, a little bigger than my torso.
"Got it." I reply, slaying the creature with my freshly sharpened sword. Tubbo claps in response to my actions. We continue walking through the mansion, killing all the mobs we find.
Making sure to light up the hallway as we go.

"I had it Ranboo! What the hell!" Tommy yells from down the hall.
"You were literally going to die from that stupid skeleton, you did not have a chance! You're welcome!" Ranboo argued back. Not long after they appear in the distance, walking down the hall towards us.

"It's all clear on that side." Tommy informs us, pointing in the direction him and Ranboo just came from.
"Good, it's all clear over here as well." Tubbo responds for the both of us.
By now the sun was slowly starting to let off less and less light. The familiar colours of a sunset started to blend together, creating a perfect colour palette in the sky.

It wasn't that far of a walk back to the house. If we started walking now we would make it back by the time the sky is a dark shade of blue.

"It's getting late, we should probably start heading back."  Ranboo says, yawning as he started to make his way toward the exit.

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