16- A Day Alone

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Y/n- your name


"Y/n, please come back..."

Y/n first person POV:

"Y/n! Where are you going?!"
That's the last time I heard Technos voice before I ran away.

I didn't know where I was going, I just took off. I ran into a cluster of woods far away from the house. I stopped to catch my breath after awhile. I had no idea what I was going to do, I had no plan. I was still furious, but now also tired from running all that way. I take a break from running, sitting down against a huge oak tree.
It took awhile to settle my breathing. I finally catch my breath after what felt like hours of intense heavy breathing.

Now that I could think more clear I started to try to come up with a plan of where to go. I couldn't go back to the hangout mansion, they'll find me there.
All of my stuff is there though-

To late to go back now, I don't even want to go back. I felt so betrayed, Techno AND Phil knew and still didn't tell me the truth. I still would have been mad at Techno if he told me either way because this is all his fault, but Phil- he should have told me. He knew all this time, and did absolutely nothing to help me not even at least a hint of how I ended up like this.

I was still leaning against the big oak tree, sitting on the grassy forest floor. I sigh in exhaustion and defeat. The sun was starting to go down, meaning I had to find some kind of shelter for the night. I stand up from my cushiony spot on the pile of fresh green grass and start to collect as many strong looking sticks I could find.
I walk over to three trees in a triangle formation, luckily all being the same size, and start to lay the sticks across the branches of the trees, in attempt of making a shelter type thing.

I stand back to admire my work, it didn't look that bad.
By then the sun was just seconds away from fully disappearing into the horizon. I take a seat in my little shelter I whipped up in minutes to admire the beautiful colours the sun left behind.
I lean backwards onto the tree behind me, still under the little stick shelter. My eyes started to feel heavy, causing them to slowly flutter shut.


I wake up to the sun brightly shining directly into my eyes. I sit up, shading my eyes from the sun. There was a slight breeze, nothing to big. At least something good happens to me for once, good weather when I run away.

I stand up, steadying myself as I slowly scan my surroundings. I run the leftover sleep out of my eyes as I try to figure out what to do.
I had nothing, no weapons, food, extra clothing, nothing, absolutely nothing.

Tommy's first person POV:

"Y/n! Where are you going?"
I yell after them, as they run out of the mansion.

Why did he do this? Why y/n, the most kind, funny, caring, awesome person I have ever met.
I was furious, I knew I couldn't catch up to them, so I quickly turn around going back to Ranboos library.

I storm trough the door to see Tubbo and Ranboo still sitting there in shock. Ranboo had his memory book in his hands, re-reading the page to make sure he read that right.

He was.

"Why would he do this-" Tubbo mutters under his breath, leaning his head against Ranboos arm as he re-reads the page for the hundredth time.
"That bastard! I have to go get them-" I yell, pacing around the room in frustration. "Tommy-" Ranboo hushes me softly, not looking away from his book.

"Yup, I guess that's what happened-" 
He adds, closing the book shut.
"I just don't get why." Ranboo breaks the silence, placing the book back on its stand.

"I can't do this, I have to go to them! What if something happens?!" I think out loud, making my way to the door of the library. I run out as fast as I can, not paying attention to Tubbo yelling from behind me.

"Tommy! Wait!"


I get to the house in no time, considering I ran as fast as I could not stopping until I got there.
When I did y/n wasn't there.

"Where are they!" I yell, noticing Techno and Phil on the porch.

That's the last interaction I have had with them since y/n ran away. I have been staying with Tubbo and Ranboo since then. I haven't gotten a good nights sleep since then either, worry taking over me.

Where could they be?

Y/n first person POV:

I didn't know where to go, I couldn't stay there. I decided to just ditch my shelter and explore some more, going farther away from everyone else.
At this point my frustration turned more into numbness. I felt so many emotions at once that I just went numb, not feeling a thing.
I felt furious, frustrated, betrayed, lied to, sad, confused, scared, heartache, and most of all my trust issues came back-

I decided to start at the very beginning. I grab some sticks and cobblestone, creating a stone sword. For self-defence of course, and to get food. I don't want to kill anything, but if I want to eat I have no other option. It's not like I could go to a village.

Not long after I create a stone pic axe as well, to go with my sword. It's good for collecting resources, which I desperately need at the moment.

I started to mine for some coal in a small nearby cave. While I was mining I couldn't help but think, think about everything.

Where is Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo right now?

Are they worried?

Is anyone worried about me?

Words 1011

POG it's almost to 100 reads! :D
Thank you everyone, this has been extremely fun to write!

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