11- An Old Memory

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Y/n- your name


It has been almost a month since they woke up.
After the accident they were asleep for days. Those were the worst days of my life. Every second they didn't wake up brought me more and more pain.

Y/n first person POV:

"How did you guys find me exactly?"

"How did you find me without knowing what happened?" I add after my first question, turning my head I look at Phil, who was leaning on the railing beside me.

We were standing in our favourite spot on the porch. Most nights we stay there until the sun fully sets, doing nothing but talking.

"You were brought to us, Callahan found you." Phil replies, looking back at me.

"That name sounds really familiar?" I mumble under my breath, remembering that name just like I remembered Skeppys.

~~~old memory~~~

I was laying uncomfortably on my back, my head feeling like it has just been stabbed my a thousand knives at once. The rocks under me digging into my back, my whole body felt numb.
I could barely keep my eyes open, the sun beaming brightly into them.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye I could see a figure looking down at me. Covering half of the sun that was slowly blinding me.

"Oh my goodness, what the heck happened?!" The figure spoke. I could barely make out their facial features, or any features of theirs because of the bright sun shinning behind them.

"It's ok, I'll get you help. Keep calm, try not to tense your muscles as much, y/n." The voice was quiet and soft, like they were whispering but not on purpose. It calmed me down way more then I already was.

I do as the figure says, trying to relax over the massive amount of pain I was feeling. My vision was extremely blurry, all I could see were colours, and some shapes.
I feel myself being lifted off the hard rocky ground I was laying on before. I could only guess it was the mysterious figure that was just talking to me.

As the figure carried me into more of a shady area I could almost make out some of their features. The figure had fluffy brown hair that was covering his eyes, it was also weighed down to his face by a beige hood. Sticking out form the hood were thin but big antlers, branching off into all sorts of directions.

That's the last thing I saw before my vision went fully black.

~~~end of old memory~~~

I snap back to reality right when I was done having that weird flashback.
I let out a big gasp, realizing what just happened. "I remembered something!" I scream excitedly, shaking Phil by his shoulders.

"Really? What?" He asks, sounding extremely curious and excited.
"I think it was the moment before my memory disappeared?" I reply, recalling what I just remembered.
"There was a figure. They found me laying on the ground, and picked me up to find me help."

"So you remember Callahan?!" Phil asks loudly, clearly excited for me.
"I think so!" I say jumping up and down. "Where is he? Maybe he knows what happened!" I yell, using Phil's shoulders to jump even higher in the air.

"There's a tiny problem with that, actually it's a big problem." Phil says, holding me still from jumping anymore. "He doesn't talk anymore
y/n, no one knows why. One day he just stopped talking and hasn't talked again since." Phil informs me, his eyes full of sympathy.

I can't believe it, why?
I stand there, my body becoming stiff. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry, staying like that forever, not moving a single muscle.

I'm never going to find out what happened to me.


I can't think like that, I have to keep trying!


"Were you the one that found me?" I ask, taking a seat in front of him.
He nods at my question, meaning yes. He was making eye contact with me trough the hair that was covering his eyes. I could see him more clearly now. He had dark brown freckles scattered across the part of his face that wasn't covered by his thick fluffy hair. He did in fact have antlers, but this time they were different. His right antler had a big chunk broken off of it.
He is wearing a beige, silk cloak with a leather belt tying it up at his waist. Bringing his outfit together he wore black leather boots, kind of like mine but they didn't go up his leg as much as mine did.

"I remember seeing you, it's very fuzzy, but I remember you." I say softly, trying my best to look him in the eyes through his thick brown hair. He smiles as a response.
"Do you know what happened before you found them?" Phil asks Callahan, standing beside where I was sitting.

Me and Phil decided to pay him a visit, even though he doesn't talk anymore, we still decided to give it a try.

He shakes his head to Phils question, meaning no. I let out a small sigh, looking down at my hands that were in my lap in disappointment. He gets up from his seat in front of me. I look up at him, only to be met with him crouching down in front of me. He grabs my hands, holding them tightly in his. He gives me a small smile before tightly wrapping his arms around me.

I could tell he felt bad for me. I wasn't blaming this on him, it wasn't his fault he doesn't know what happened. He actually, and literally saved my life, so I should actually be thanking him.
"Thank you." I whisper, tears starting to form in my eyes.
I quickly blink them away though, as I start to feel his grip around me loosen.

At least I remembered something, which I would argue is very important. I literally just remembered what happened right before I lost all my memory, that's pretty good if I do say so myself.

Of course I'm still disappointed that I didn't find out exactly what happened, but I'll find out sooner then later.

Words 1045

Another late night chapter! :D
This one is kind of short though... but still, I hope you enjoyed!

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