8- The Book

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Y/n- your name


The ice has now turned into water, making me sink deeper and deeper every second I think about it.
I keep getting flashbacks to that horrific day. Memories keep coming back into my head that I wish would stay forgotten.

I am going to try to spend as much time with them as I can, so hopefully when the truth does come out they aren't as mad.


Y/n- first person POV:

"HA, I win again!"

"I was going easy on you." Techno replies with a dramatic eye roll.

This is my fourth day of fighting lessons with Techno. I have FINALLY convinced him to fight me, so we could practice together. He goes easy on me though, considering I'm still new to it, but once I get good we could actually have one of those dramatic, action filled duels.

Phil was relaxing in his normal spot on the deck, watching todays lesson. Every now and then whenever I would win I could here him laughing from his seat at Technos reaction to me winning.

We have spent four days straight, fighting, and practicing. To the crack of dawn, to the moment darkness fills the sky.
  I have actually gotten pretty good, and I'm proud of my progress so far! I have gotten used to using a sword, and moving my shield to block hits. Even though my shield is kind of heavy, but I still seem to manage.

"Ok, again." Techno groans, getting up from the wet, snowy ground beneath us. I take my stance at least two feet away from him, waiting for him to be ready. The moment he gets into the correct position I attack, swigging my sword in all kinds of directions.

He swings at me, immediately blocking his hit with my shield. I swiftly and carefully dodge his attacks.

Big mistake.

Doing that causes me to get tired quicker, making it easy for him to win this duel. He swings his sword one more time at me before putting his foot on my shield that was against me torso, and push me to the ground. I land on my back, making me vulnerable. He puts the blade of his sword to my neck, lifting up my chin with it so I could be looking straight at him.

"I win." He says with a big smirk on his face. He takes his sword off of my neck and holds out his hand for me to take. I take his hand, immediately being lifted back to my feet.
"It's late, can we call it a night?" I whine in a high pitched voice. I was so tired out, I could barely keep my eyes open.

"One, don't ever use that voice again. Two, good night." He pats me on the back and we go our separate ways. I say my good nights to Phil and head inside up to my room. I immediately collapse onto my bed, my eyes shutting the second my head hits my pillow.


I open my eyes to see I'm not in my room anymore. I'm in a bright room, all the walls are white. There's nothing in the room except for a book stand, there rested a purple glowing book.

I walk over to the book. The title was in a different language. I don't know what language though, I have never seen it before.

The title read:
⍀ ⟒ ⏃ ⎅
(Translation: Read)

I open the book, still keeping it on it's overly decorated stand. All the pages were blank except for one, but I can't understand what it says.

The page read:
⟟ ⏁ ⌇  ⍙ ⊑ ⍜   ⊬ ⍜ ⎍   ⌰ ⟒ ⏃ ⌇ ⏁    ⟒ ⌖ ⌿ ⟒ ☊ ⏁
(Translation: it's who you least expect)

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