7- Visitor

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Y/n- your name


The more they figure out, the more nervous I get. I'm on thin ice right now, not being able to move from the situation I'm in.
It's getting harder and harder to even look at them at this point.

Seeing them struggle.

Y/n first person POV:

This Dream person, who is he? I have heard that name so many times. I really want to re-meet him, but I don't know where to find him. He sounds like a bad person, considering the things Tommy and Puffy told me about him.
I wonder who I can ask?


I stand at the entrance of Kinoko Kingdom, admiring all of the giant mushroom structures. It looks so cool there, especially at night.

It was mid-day, the sun shinning in my eye as I contemplate on doing this.
I have to do this, he might know stuff.
He might know why I ended up like this.
He might know what caused the accident.

I slowly start to walk up to the big mushroom buildings. They towered over me as I tried to remember which one I was trying to go to.

"This one, no it's this one. Wait, maybe it's this one." I mutter, fighting with myself on which one is Sapnap and Karl's house. I finally decide on one, walking up the three stair staircase, and lightly knocking on the door.

Not long after I hear footsteps approaching the door. It slowly starts to open, revealing the familiar being I met the other day.

Shit, wrong house. I knew it was the other one.
I argued with myself once again as George was standing in front of me in the doorway.
"Hey y/n! Can I help you?"

I decide to just go with it. He might know the answer to my question, don't know until you try.
"Uh, hi George? Yes, hi George um I was wondering if I can talk to you about something, maybe ask a couple of questions as well?" I ask him, stuttering over my words. This is so awkward, what the hell. No, it's fine he has known me forever this shouldn't be weird.

"Of course! Come in!" He says in a delighted tone, sounding happy to have a guest. He steps out of the way, making room for me to step through the door. I step through the door, immediately being met with a little kitchen to my left. His house looked like a small apartment, but house form.
His living room was just past the kitchen, with a little hallway leading away from me to my right.

I take a seat on the couch, scanning the room slowly.
"Can I get you anything?" He asks from the kitchen. "Uh, no thanks. I'm good for now." I reply with a smile. He comes over to me, sitting down on the couch adjacent from the one I was sitting on.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asks, lacing his fingers together, putting them of his legs that were overlapping each other.
"Ok so, I have been hearing a lot about this Dream person, and I was wondering if you knew anything about him or where I can find him." I ask, getting straight to the point, not wanting to waste any time.

Right as I say Dream's name his face goes blank. Staring me straight in the eyes. I could feel the thick tension in the air.
Did I say something wrong?

He looks down at his hands before speaking.
"He-he is in prison. I haven't talked to him for a very long time."
"Prison?" I ask, not knowing there was a prison here. "Yes, he has done some messed up things, causing him to be locked up in a high maximum security prison."

"Where is the prison? Can I visit him?"
"No! I am not letting you visit him, he is dangerous!" George snaps.
"But, what if he knows what happened to me?" I ask, trying to convince him to let me go.

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